The journal of nutrition : JN ; a publication of the American Society for Nutrition
Oxford : Oxford University Press 1928 -
The journal of nutrition : JN ; a publication of the American Society for Nutrition
Oxford : Oxford University Press
Philadelphia, Pa. : Wistar Inst. [1928-1968]
Bethesda, Md. : Inst. of Nutrition [1969-1995]
Bethesda, Md. : American Society for Nutritional Sciences [früher]
Rockville, MD : American Society for Nutrition (ASN) [-2017]
Zusatz früher: publication of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Abbreviated title: J. Nutrition
Abbreviated title: J. Nutr.
Abbreviated title: J. Nutr., Suppl.
123.1992,2,2 auch als Suppl. bez., ersch. halbjährl.
Beteil. Körp. anfangs: American Institute of Nutrition; Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology; American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Repr.: Amsterdam : Swets & Zeitlinger
Further related titles
103,7,Suppl.=1; 106,7,Suppl.=2; 112,6=4; 116,6=5; 125,6,Suppl.=1994 von: American Institute of Nutrition: Program and abstracts of papers for the ... joint meeting of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition and the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences (ISSN: 0196-0997)
122,3,Suppl.=1991; 123,2,2=1992; 124,8,Suppl.=1993; 125,6,Suppl.=1994; 126,4,Suppl.=1995 von: American Institute of Nutrition: AIN symposium proceedings
127,5S=1996; 128,2S=1997; 129,2S=1998; 130,2S=1999 von: American Society for Nutritional Sciences: ASNS symposium proceedings
130,1,Suppl.=1998/99; 132,12,Suppl.=2000/02 von: Recent advances in nutritional sciences
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-3166
OCLC number: 231028240
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