The leadership quarterly : LQ ; an international journal of political, social and behavioral science
Amsterdam : Elsevier 1990 -
The leadership quarterly : LQ ; an international journal of political, social and behavioral science
Amsterdam : Elsevier
Greenwich, Conn. [u.a.] : JAI Press [anfangs]
Stamford, Conn. [u.a.] : JAI Press [früher]
Einzelne Hefte als Special issue bez.
Further related titles
11,4=2000; 12,4=2001; 13,6=2002; 14,6=2003; 15,6=2004; 16,6=2005; 17,6=2006; 18,6=2007; 19,6=2008; 20,6=2009 von: Yearly review of leadership
21,6=2010; 22,6=2011; 23,6=2012; 24,6=2013; 25,6=2014 von: The leadership quarterly yearly review
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1048-9843
OCLC number: 1367969610
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