The journal of cell biology : JCB / Rockefeller University
New York, NY : Rockefeller Univ. Press 1962 -
The journal of cell biology : JCB / Rockefeller University
New York, NY : Rockefeller Univ. Press
Abbreviated title: J. Cell Biol.
Beteil. Körp. anfangs: American Society for Cell Biology
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Index 1/83.1955/79 in: 87.1980,3,2; 84/109.1980/89 in: 111.1990,6,3
Further related titles
70,2=1 von: International Congress on Cell Biology: Abstracts of papers presented at the International Congress on Cell Biology
In 19,2,[2]=3; in 23,2,[2]=4; in 27,2,[2]=5; in 31,2,2=6; in 35,2,2=7; in 39,2,2=8; in 43,2,2=9; in 47,2,2=10; in 55,2,2=12; in 59,2,2=13; in 63,2,2=14; 67,2,2=15; 75,2,2=17; 79,2,2=18; 83,2,2=19; 87,2,2=20; 91,2,2=21; 95,2,2=22; 97,2,2=23; 99,4,2=24; 101,5,2=25; 103,5,2=26; 105,4,2=27; 107,6,3=28; 109,4,2=29; 111,5,2=30; 115,3,2=31 von: American Society for Cell Biology: Abstracts of papers presented at the ... annual meeting (ISSN: 0569-7492)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0021-9525
OCLC number: 263598132
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 570 Life sciences; biology
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): WA 15000
German subject headings: Zelle ; Zeitschrift
Cytologie ; Zeitschrift
Cytoplasma ; Zelle ; Zeitschrift
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