IEEE ASME transactions on mechatronics : a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
New York, NY : IEEE 1996 -
IEEE ASME transactions on mechatronics : a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Gesehen am 02.11.2017
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1941-014X
OCLC number: 1368069784
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 620 Engineering & machine engineering
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): ELT 340z ; MAS 990z
German subject headings: Mechatronik ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
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Mechanical engineering / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY [u.a.] : Soc. 1993 -
Mechanical engineering / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY [u.a.] : Soc.
Publication history
Vol. 115, issue 7 (Jul 1993) [?]-
Nebent.: Mechanical engineering magazine online
Abbreviated title: Mech. Engng.
Abbreviated title: Mech. Eng. (USA)
Abbreviated title: Mech. Eng.
Ungezählte Beil. ab 119.1997: Mechanical engineering power
Gesehen am 25.09.24
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1943-5649
OCLC number: 1368131897
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PMM : journal of applied mathematics and mechanics / publ. by Pergamon Institute for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : Elsevier Science 1958-2017
PMM : journal of applied mathematics and mechanics / publ. by Pergamon Institute for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : Elsevier Science
Publication history
22.1958-volume 81, issue 6 (2017) ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
Nebent.: Applied mathematics and mechanics
Abbreviated title: J. Appl. Math. Mech. (USSR) (Engl. Transl.)
Abbreviated title: Appl Math Mech
Abbreviated title: Appl. Math. & Mech. (USA)
Repr.: Oxford : Pergamon Press
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0021-8928
OCLC number: 1371233651
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 530 Physics ; 510 Mathematics
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): MAT 001z ; MTA 001z
German subject headings: Angewandte Mathematik ; Zeitschrift
Technische Mechanik ; Zeitschrift
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Applied mechanics reviews : a critical review of the world literature in applied mechanics and related engineering science / publ. by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1948 -
Applied mechanics reviews : a critical review of the world literature in applied mechanics and related engineering science / publ. by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME
Easton, Pa. [u.a.] [anfangs]
Nebent.: AMR
Abbreviated title: Appl. Mech. Rev.
Abbreviated title: Appl. Mech. Rev. (USA)
Ersch. monatl., ab 2004 jährl.
Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson
Einzelne Hefte als "Special issue" bez.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0570-4863; 0003-6900
OCLC number: 1371228726
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Mechanical engineering / publ. by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY [u.a.] : American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1919 -
Mechanical engineering / publ. by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY [u.a.] : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Abbreviated title: Mech. Engng.
Abbreviated title: Mech. Eng. (USA)
Abbreviated title: Mech. Eng.
Ungezählte Beil. 119.1997 - 123.2001: Mechanical engineering power; ab 125.2003: Mechanical engineering design
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0025-6501
OCLC number: 1371235892
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ASME open journal of engineering
New York, NY : ASME, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2022 -
ASME open journal of engineering
New York, NY : ASME, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Abweichender Titel: AOJE
Abbreviated title: ASME Open J. Engineering
Gesehen am 29.08.22
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2770-3495
OCLC number: 1343184501
License/legal information
Open Access. Source: Creative Commons : CC BY 4.0.
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Journal of heat transfer / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1959-2022
Journal of heat transfer / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Publication history
81.1959 -Volume 144, Issue 12 (December 2022)
Monographic series
81.1959 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series C
Ab 100.1978: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Heat Transfer
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. C, J. Heat T
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Heat Transfer (USA)
Index 102/106.1980/84 in: 107.1985,4
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-1481
OCLC number: 961372585
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Journal of fluids engineering / publ. monthly by ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1973 -
Journal of fluids engineering / publ. monthly by ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Monographic series
95.1973 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series I
Ab 100.1978: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Fluids Eng.
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. I, J. Fluids
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Fluids Eng. (USA)
Ersch. monatl., bis 124.2002 vierteljährl., 125.2003 - 128.2006 zweimonatl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0098-2202
OCLC number: 985525586
monthly ; bimonthly ; quarterly
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Journal of engineering for industry : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1959-1996
Journal of engineering for industry : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Monographic series
81.1959 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series B
Ab 100.1978: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Eng. Ind.
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. B, J. Eng. I
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Eng. Ind. (USA)
Index 103/112.1981/90 in: 114.1992,2
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-0817
OCLC number: 311190707
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Journal of engineering materials and technology / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1973 -
Journal of engineering materials and technology / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Monographic series
95.1973 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series H
Ab 100.1978: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Eng. Mater. Technol.
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. H
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Eng. Mater. & Technol. (USA)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0094-4289
OCLC number: 985525587
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 670 Manufacturing
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): WER 100z
German subject headings: Werkstoffkunde ; Zeitschrift
Werkstoffkunde ; Zeitschrift
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Journal of engineering for power : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1959-1983
Journal of engineering for power : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Monographic series
81.1959 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series A
100.1978 - 105.1983: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Eng. Power
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. A, J. Eng. P
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Eng. Power (USA)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-0825
OCLC number: 612742562
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Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control / publ. quarterly by ASME
New York, NY : ASME 1971 -
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control / publ. quarterly by ASME
Monographic series
93.1971 - 99.1977: Transactions of the ASME : Series G
Ab 100.1978: Transactions of the ASME
Abbreviated title: J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Control
Abbreviated title: J Dyn Syst Maes Control Trans ASME
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. & Control (USA)
Zählung vom Gesamtwerk übernommen; ersch. zweimonatl., bis 128.2006 vierteljährl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-0434
OCLC number: 1371226134
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 620 Engineering & machine engineering
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): MSR 010z ; MSR 600z
German subject headings: Messtechnik ; Zeitschrift
Kontrolltheorie ; Zeitschrift
Systemtheorie ; Zeitschrift
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Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1984 -
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ersch. monatl., bis 129.2007 vierteljährl., 130.2008 - 131.2009 zweimonatl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0742-4795
OCLC number: 986503002
monthly ; bimonthly ; quarterly
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Journal of microelectromechanical systems : a joint IEEE and ASME publication on microstructures, microactuators, microsensors and microsystems / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : IEEE 1992 -
Journal of microelectromechanical systems : a joint IEEE and ASME publication on microstructures, microactuators, microsensors and microsystems / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1057-7157
OCLC number: 183349729
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 620 Engineering & machine engineering
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): ELT 090z ; FER 792z ; MAS 990z
German subject headings: Mikromechanik ; Zeitschrift
Elektromechanik ; Zeitschrift
Mikromechanik ; Elektromechanisches Bauelement ; Zeitschrift
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Journal of applied mechanics / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1960 -
Journal of applied mechanics / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Gesehen am 26.05.2020
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1528-9036
OCLC number: 1165542043
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Journal of basic engineering
New York, NY : ASME 1959-1972
Journal of basic engineering
Monographic series
Transactions of the ASME : Series D
Abbreviated title: J. Basic Eng.
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.), Ser. D, J. Basic
Abbreviated title: J. BASIC ENGNG A.S.M.E. (NEW-YORK)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0021-9223
OCLC number: 985525417
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Journal of manufacturing science and engineering : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1996 -
Journal of manufacturing science and engineering : publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Index 113/122.1991/2000 in: 123.2001,1
ISSN-Portal 1096-6668: Manufacturing science and engineering
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1087-1357; 1096-6668
OCLC number: 1368000484
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 600 Technology ; 670 Manufacturing
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): FER 010z
German subject headings: Maschinenbau ; Zeitschrift
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Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1880-1958
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.)
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME (Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.) J. Appl. Mech.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0097-6822; 0021-8936
OCLC number: 1367317636
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IEEE ASME transactions on mechatronics : a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
New York, NY : IEEE 1996 -
IEEE ASME transactions on mechatronics : a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1083-4435
OCLC number: 183200846
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 620 Engineering & machine engineering
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): ELT 340z ; MAS 990z
German subject headings: Mechatronik ; Zeitschrift
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Journal of tribology / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
New York, NY : ASME 1984 -
Journal of tribology / publ. quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Abbreviated title: Trans. ASME. J. Tribology
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0742-4787
OCLC number: 986503060
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