Official year-book of Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1901-1977
Official year-book of Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1901/07 - 61.1975/76(1977)
Hauptsacht. bis 58.1972: Official year-book of the Commonwealth of Australia
Nebent. teils: Year-book Australia
Beteil. Körp. teils: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0078-3927; 0312-4746
OCLC number: 645360176
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 100 ; 710 ; 650 ; 610
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): AE 69106
German subject headings: Australien ; Statistik
Special subject collections:
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Pocket compendium of Australian statistics / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : Bureau 1931-1978
Pocket compendium of Australian statistics / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 17.1931 - 63.1978
Urh. anfangs: Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0079-239X
OCLC number: 183333719
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Finance / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics : summary of Australian financial statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1908-1963
Finance / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics : summary of Australian financial statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Melbourne [anfangs]
Publication history
1.1901/06(1908) - 46.1954/55; 1962/63[?]
Nebent.: Summary of Australian financial statistics
Nebent.: Finance bulletin
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Demography : bulletin / Australia, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : Commonwealth Bureau 1939-1974
Demography : bulletin / Australia, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : Commonwealth Bureau
Publication history
Nachgewiesen Nr. 57.1939 - 84.1966; 85.1967/68(1970) - 86.1969/70(1973); 87.1971(1974); damit Ersch. eingest.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0311-9017
OCLC number: 648355250
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Production : bulletin ; summary of Australian production statistics for the years ... / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1906-1937
Production : bulletin ; summary of Australian production statistics for the years ... / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1901/06 - 30.1925/36(1937)
Nebent.: Australian production statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0312-3618
OCLC number: 1367732424
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Quarterly estimates of national income and expenditure, Australia / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1960-1988
Quarterly estimates of national income and expenditure, Australia / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1960 - 46.1971; 1972 - 1987(1988),Dez.
Hauptsacht. bis 1978: Quarterly estimates of national income and expenditure
Urh. bis 1972: Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1030-0988
OCLC number: 1367799149
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Report on food production and the apparent consumption of foodstuffs and nutrients in Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1959-1971
Report on food production and the apparent consumption of foodstuffs and nutrients in Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 15.1959/60 - 25.1969/70(1971)
Nebent.: Food production and the apparent consumption of foodstuffs and nutrients in Australia
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Banking and currency : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1964-1974
Banking and currency : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1961/63(1964) - 11.1972/73(1974); damit Ersch. eingest.
Further related titles
"Individual volumes are also part of 1-2=1964 von "Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics : Bulletin"
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0067-0731
OCLC number: 1068236194
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Secondary industries / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1952-1962
Secondary industries / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
44.1949/50(1952) - 54.1959/60(1962)
Hauptsacht. teils: Secondary industries bulletin
Hauptsacht. teils: secondary industries Australia
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0571-9658
OCLC number: 1367763288
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Balance of payments / Australian Bureau of Statistics. [Jahresausgabe]
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1963-1978
Balance of payments / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Bis 1961/66(1966) mit stark retrospektiver Berichtszeit, ersch. bis 1970/71 in 2 Halbbd. jährl
Beteil. Körp. anfangs: Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics
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Social statistics : statistics as to education, hospitals and charities, and law and crime for the year ...
Melbourne : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1907-1911
Social statistics : statistics as to education, hospitals and charities, and law and crime for the year ...
Melbourne : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
1.1907 - 5.1911 nachgewiesen
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The Wheat industry, Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1955-1976
The Wheat industry, Australia / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 89.1955 - 120.1970/71; 1971/72 - 1973/75(1976)
Monographic series
Statistical bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
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State, territory, and local government authorities' finance and government securities / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1964-1969
State, territory, and local government authorities' finance and government securities / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
1.1961/63(1964) - 6.1967/68(1969)
Nebent.: Bulletin on State, territory, and local government authorities' finance and government securities
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Public authority finance / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Authorities of the Australian Government
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1973-1975
Public authority finance / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Authorities of the Australian Government
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
11.1972/73(1973) - 13.1974/75(1975)
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Foreign trade, Australia / Australian Bureau of Statistics. Comparative and summary tables
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1988-1991
Foreign trade, Australia / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Comparative and summary tables
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
1986/87(1988) - 1989/90(1991)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1031-1394
OCLC number: 1367302422
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Monthly review of business statistics / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1937-1979
Monthly review of business statistics / Australian Bureau of Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1937 - 458.1977; 1977,März - 1979,Juni
Urh. bis 433.1974: Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0311-9025
OCLC number: 1367785317
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Manufacturing industry : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra, Australia : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1965-1970
Manufacturing industry : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra, Australia : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
1.1963/64(1965) - 5.1967/68(1970)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0067-0839
OCLC number: 1367821887
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Production : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra. Part 2, Primary industries
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1938-1951
Production : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Part 2, Primary industries
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 31.1936/37(1938) - 43.1948/49(1951)
Nebent.: Australian production statistics
Sachl. Benennung anfangs: Primary industries and total recorded production
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0312-3626
OCLC number: 831560309
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Production : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra. Part 1, Secondary industries
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1939-1951
Production : bulletin / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra
Part 1, Secondary industries
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 31.1936/37(1939) - 43.1948/49(1951)
Nebent.: Australian production statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0312-3634
OCLC number: 831560276
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Mineral production / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1971-1977
Mineral production / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
Canberra : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Urh. ab 1972/73: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0311-8975
OCLC number: 1367794281
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