The journal of economic history / publ. for the Economic History Association
Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press 1941 -
National licence
The journal of economic history / publ. for the Economic History Association
Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
Abbreviated title: JEH
Abbreviated title: PEHI
Abbreviated title: J Econ H
Abbreviated title: J Econ Hist
Abbreviated title: Jnl Econ Hist
Abbreviated title: Jour Econ Hist
Gesehen am 13.08.2018
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1471-6372
OCLC number: 960772055
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The journal of economic history / publ. for the Economic History Association. Ed. George Rogers Taylor
New York, NY [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press 1941 -
The journal of economic history / publ. for the Economic History Association. Ed. George Rogers Taylor
New York, NY [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
Baltimore, Md. : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] [1941-[?]]
New York, NY : Univ. Press [früher]
Beteil. Körp. 1941 - 1960: Economic History Association; 1961 - 1975,2: Graduate School of Business Administration; Economic History Association; 1975 - 1977: Economic History Association at the Johns Hopkins University; ab 1981,3: Economic History Association at North Carolina State University
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl
Index 1/10.1941/50 in: 11.1951; 11/24.1951/64 in: 25.1965
Repr.: Nendeln, Liechtenstein : Kraus
Further related titles
1,Suppl.=1; 2,Suppl.=2; 3,Suppl.=3; 4,Suppl.=4; 5,Suppl.=5; 6,Suppl.=6; 7,Suppl.=7; 8,Suppl.=8; 9,Suppl.=9; 10,Suppl.=10; 11,4=11; 12,4=12; 13,4=13; 14,4=14; 24,4=24; 25,4=25; 26,4=26; 27,4=27; 30,1=29; 32,1=31; 33,1=32; 34,1=33; 35,1=34; 36,1=35; 37,1=36; 38,1=37; 39,1=38; 40,1=39; 41,1=40; 42,1=41; 43,1=42; 44,2=43; 45,2=44; 46,2=45; 47,2=46; 48,2=47; 49,2=48, 51,2=50; 52,2=51; 53,2=52; 54,2=53; 55,2=54; 56,2=55 von: Economic History Association: Papers presented at the ... annual meeting of the Economic History Association
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0022-0507
OCLC number: 1367294320
Preservation and archiving
mass deacidified; Volumes: 2.1942-42.1982;Index zu 11/24.1951/64(1965); Date of action: 2016 ; Institution: Kiel ZBW
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Handbook of the Economic History Association and directory of members / publ. for the Economic History Association by the Graduate School of Business, Administration of New York University
Wilmington, Del. [u.a.] : Assoc. 1967-1977
Handbook of the Economic History Association and directory of members / publ. for the Economic History Association by the Graduate School of Business, Administration of New York University
Wilmington, Del. [u.a.] : Assoc.
Hauptsacht. [1.]1967: Handbook of the Economic History Association
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Papers presented at the ... annual meeting of the Economic History Association
New York, NY : Univ. Press 1941 -
Papers presented at the ... annual meeting of the Economic History Association
New York, NY : Univ. Press
Nebent.: The Tasks of economic history
Hauptsacht. teils: Papers, annual meeting of the Economic History Association
Hauptsacht. teils: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Economic History Association
Hauptsacht. teils: Papers prepared for meetings of the Economic History Association
Nebent. teils: Annual meeting of the Economic History Association
Repr.: Nendeln, Liechtenstein : Kraus
Further related titles
1=1,Suppl.; 2=2,Suppl.; 3=3,Suppl.; 4=4,Suppl.; 5=5,Suppl.; 6=6,Suppl.; 7=7,Suppl.; 8=8,Suppl.; 9=9,Suppl.; 10=10,Suppl.; 11=11,4; 12=12,4; 13=13,4; 14=14,4; 24=24,4; 25=25,4; 26=26,4; 27=27,4; 29=30,1; 31=32,1; 32=33,1; 33=34,1; 34=35,1; 35=36,1; 36=37,1; 37=38,1; 38=39,1; 39=40,1; 40=41,1; 41=42,1; 42=43,1, 43=44,2; 44=45,2; 45=46,2; 46=47,2; 47=48,2; 48=49,2; 50=51,2; 51=52,2; 52=53,2; 53=54,2; 54=55,2; 55=56,2 von: The journal of economic history (ISSN: 0022-0507)
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Economic History Association membership directory
New York, NY : Cambridge Univ. Press 1991 -
Economic History Association membership directory
New York, NY : Cambridge Univ. Press
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