Africa bibliography : works on Africa published during ...
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press 1984 -
Africa bibliography : works on Africa published during ...
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
Manchester : Manchester Univ. Press [anfangs]
Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press [-2010]
Gesehen am 22.06.2020
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1757-1642
OCLC number: 723875490
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Africa : journal of the International African Institute : revue de l'Institut Africain International
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press 1928 -
Africa : journal of the International African Institute : revue de l'Institut Africain International
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
London : Milford [anfangs]
London : Inst. [-2006]
Birmingham : Inst. [2007-2010]
Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press [teils]
13.1940,4 nicht ersch.
Repr.: London : Dawson
Urh. anfangs: International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; Herausgeber 1.1928 - 12.1939: Diedrich Westermann
Früher ohne parallelen Titelzusatz
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Africa (ISSN: 1750-0184)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0001-9720
OCLC number: 224498391
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Africa bibliography : works published on Africa in ... / in assoc. with the International African Institute
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press 1985 -
Africa bibliography : works published on Africa in ... / in assoc. with the International African Institute
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
Manchester : Manchester Univ. Press [anfangs]
Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press [-2010]
Zusatz anfangs: works on Africa published in ...
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0266-6731
OCLC number: 889399176
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International African bibliography : current books, articles and papers in African studies = Bibliographie internationale africaine / in assoc. with the Centre of African Studies at the Library, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. [Vierteljahresausgabe]
Berlin ; Boston, Mass. : de Gruyter Saur 1971-2015
International African bibliography : current books, articles and papers in African studies = Bibliographie internationale africaine / in assoc. with the Centre of African Studies at the Library, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Berlin ; Boston, Mass. : de Gruyter Saur
London : Mansell [anfangs]
London [u.a.] : Zell [früher]
London [u.a.] ; Munich : Bowker-Saur [-2000]
München : Saur [-2009]
Berlin ; New York, NY : de Gruyter Saur [früher]
Publication history
1.1971-volume 45, issue 3/4 (2015)
Urh. anfangs: International African Institute
23 cm
2016 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Parallelsacht. entfällt später
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 0020-5877
ISSN: 0020-5877
OCLC number: 1367310186
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African abstracts : a quarterly review of ethnographic, social, and linguistic studies appearing in current periodicals = Bulletin analytique africaniste : revue trimestr. d'études ethnologiques, sociales et linguistiques paraissant dans les périodiques du jour
London : Internat. African Inst. 1950-1972
African abstracts : a quarterly review of ethnographic, social, and linguistic studies appearing in current periodicals = Bulletin analytique africaniste : revue trimestr. d'études ethnologiques, sociales et linguistiques paraissant dans les périodiques du jour
London : Internat. African Inst.
Publication history
1.1950 - 23.1972; damit Ersch. eingest.
Repr.: Folkestone : Dawson
Parallelsacht. bis 17.1966
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0001-9895
OCLC number: 1367316400
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 390 Customs, etiquette & folklore
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): AD 85000 ; AD 85010 ; EP 10000
Special subject collections:
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IAI bulletin / publ. by the International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1976-1980
IAI bulletin / publ. by the International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 46.1976 - 50.1980,1; damit Ersch. eingest.
is supplement of
Supplement to: Africa (ISSN: 0001-9720)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0308-2717
OCLC number: 231040669
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African languages = Langues africaines / International African Institute
African languages = Langues africaines / International African Institute
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International African library : IAL / International African Institute
Cambridge ; New York, NY ; Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press 1985 -
International African library : IAL / International African Institute
Cambridge ; New York, NY ; Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press
Manchester : Manchester Univ. Press [1985-1989]
Edinburgh : Univ. Press [früher]
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Current Africanist research : international bulletin = La recherche africaniste en cours / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1971-1975
Current Africanist research : international bulletin = La recherche africaniste en cours / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
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African environment special report / publ. by the International African Institute in assoc. with the Environment Training Programme, UNEP, IDEP, SIDA
African environment special report / publ. by the International African Institute in assoc. with the Environment Training Programme, UNEP, IDEP, SIDA
Nebent.: African environment
Nebent.: Special report
Hauptsacht. teils: African environment special reports
Hauptsacht. teils: Special reports / International African Institute
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0309-345X
OCLC number: 183315762
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Monographs from the International African Institute
Berlin ; Münster : Lit 1996 -
Monographs from the International African Institute
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Memorandum / International African Institute
London [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press 1948-1972
Memorandum / International African Institute
London [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press
Publication history
22.1948 - 27.1972=7.impr. nachgewiesen
Unter diesem Titel ersch. auch spätere Aufl. einzelner Bd. d. Vorg.
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List of members / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1945 -
List of members / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
is supplement of
Supplement to: Africa (ISSN: 0001-9720)
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Ethnographic survey of Africa / International African Institute. Central Africa, Belgian Congo
Ethnographic survey of Africa / International African Institute
Central Africa, Belgian Congo
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Accounts / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1950
Accounts / International African Institute
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
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