The Financial register of the United States : devoted chiefly to finance and currency, and to banking and commerical statistics
Philadelphia : Wirtz & Tatem 1838
National licence
The Financial register of the United States : devoted chiefly to finance and currency, and to banking and commerical statistics
Philadelphia : Wirtz & Tatem
Publication history
1.1837/38(1838) - 2.1838[?]
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Statistical abstract of the United States : the national data book / US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1879-2011
Statistical abstract of the United States : the national data book / US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
Mikrofiche-Ausg.: Buffalo, NY : Hein
Publication history
Ed. 1.1878(1879) - 131.2012(2011)
Hauptsacht. teils: Statistical abstracts
Zusatz bis 109.1989: national data book and guide to sources
Auch mit durchgehender Numerierung für versch. Parlamentaria
Urh. 1.1878 - 25.1902: Treasury Department, Bureau of Statistics; 26.1903 - 34.1911: Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Statistics; 35.1912: Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; 36.1913 - 59.1937: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; 93.1972 - 95.1974: Department of Commerce, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census; bis 109.1989: US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Repr.: New York, NY [u.a.] : Johnson; New York, NY : Mason
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0081-4741
OCLC number: 1367306945
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): NQ 8320 ; QG 620
German subject headings: USA ; Statistik
Special subject collections:
7,26 ; 27
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US-Archiv-Dienst / US Feature Service
Bad Godesberg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1949-1953
US-Archiv-Dienst / US Feature Service
Bad Godesberg : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Bad Nauheim [anfangs]
Frankfurt, M. [früher]
Publication history
1.1949/50 - 4.1953,6; damit Ersch. eingest.
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 320 Political science
Other classifications:
IFZ-Systematik (ifzs): Dk 148
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 610
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Budget of the United States Government : fiscal year .. / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. Historical tables
Washington, DC : Gov. Print. Off. 1996 -
Budget of the United States Government : fiscal year .. / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC : Gov. Print. Off.
Gesehen am 04.11.2022
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Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on January ... / compiled by the Treaty Affairs Staff, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1997 -
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on January ... / compiled by the Treaty Affairs Staff, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
SuDocs-Class.-no.: S 9.14:
Gesehen am 07.06.2023
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2159-9157
Official print number: S 9.14:
OCLC number: 1047796914
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United States code : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States, in force of january, ... / prep. and publ. ... by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline ; Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1941 -
United States code : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States, in force of january, ... / prep. and publ. ... by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
Volltext nur als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Urh. bis 1970: Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Gesehen am 14.02.14
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 1368936543
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 27 ; 2
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The United States in world affairs / publ. for the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Bearb. Hollis W. Barber [u.a.]
New York, NY : Simon and Schuster 1932-1972
The United States in world affairs / publ. for the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Bearb. Hollis W. Barber [u.a.]
New York, NY : Simon and Schuster
New York, NY : Harper [anfangs]
Publication history
1931(1932) - 1967(1968); 1970(1972)
1968 - 1969 nicht ersch.
Repr.: New York, NY : Kraus
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The Public statutes at large of the United States of America : from the organization of the Gov. in 1789, to March 3,1845
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co. ; Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline 1848-1861
The Public statutes at large of the United States of America : from the organization of the Gov. in 1789, to March 3,1845
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co.
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Publication history
1.1789/99(1861) - 8.1778/1845(1848)
Gesehen am 11.10.2022
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 1368572846
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2,7,26 ; 27 ; 2
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Statutes at large, treaties and proclamations of the United States of America : from Dec. 1867, to March 1869
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co. ; Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline 1863-1869
Statutes at large, treaties and proclamations of the United States of America : from Dec. 1867, to March 1869
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co.
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Publication history
12.1859/63(1863) - 15.1867/69(1869)
Repr.: Buffalo, NY : Dennis
Gesehen am 11.10.2022
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 723705158
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2,7,26 ; 27 ; 2
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The Statutes at large and proclamations of the United States of America
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co. ; Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline 1871-1873
The Statutes at large and proclamations of the United States of America
Washington, DC [u.a.] : Little, Brown, & Co.
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Publication history
16.1869/71(1871) - 17.1871/73(1873)
Gesehen am 11.10.2022
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 723705151
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2,7,26 ; 27 ; 2
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The Statutes at large of the United States of America : from ..
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off. ; Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline 1875-1936
The Statutes at large of the United States of America : from ..
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off.
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Publication history
18.1873/75(1875) - 49.1935/36(1936)
Neben Bandzählung auch Zählung nach "Congress"
Repr.: Buffalo, NY : Dennis
Gesehen am 11.10.2022
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 723705141
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2,7,26 ; 2 ; 27
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The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America : from Dec. 1,1845, to March 3,1851
Washington, DC [u.a.] : US Gov.Print.Off. ; Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline 1851-1859
The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America : from Dec. 1,1845, to March 3,1851
Washington, DC [u.a.] : US Gov.Print.Off.
Buffalo, NY : HeinOnline
Publication history
9.1845/51(1851) - 11.1855/59(1859)
Gesehen am 11.10.2022
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
OCLC number: 723705164
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 340 Law
Special subject collections:
FID-INTRECHT-DE-1a ; 2,7,26 ; 2
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United States participation in the United Nations : report to the Congress for the year ... ; report by the Secretary of State to the Congress / Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Washington, DC : The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs 2000 -
United States participation in the United Nations : report to the Congress for the year ... ; report by the Secretary of State to the Congress / Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Washington, DC : The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs
Zusatz bis 2001: report by the President to the Congress for the year ...
Frühere Jahrgänge online nicht mehr verfügbar
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2152-4882
OCLC number: 1368964698
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United States Government organization manual / General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of the Federal Register
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off. 1949-1972
United States Government organization manual / General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of the Federal Register
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off.
Hauptsacht. teils: United States government organization manual
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0083-1174
OCLC number: 1367322364
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Statistical abstract of the United States : the national data book / US Department
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1879-2011
Statistical abstract of the United States : the national data book / US Department
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
Publication history
1.1878(1879) - 2011; damit Ersch. eingest.
Gesehen am 01. Dezember 2015
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The United States Government manual / Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off. 1935 -
The United States Government manual / Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off.
Publication history
1935 - 1948; 1973/74(1973) -
Hauptsacht. bis 1980: United States Government manual
Urh. anfangs: General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of the Federal Register
SuDocs-Class.-no.: GS 4.109 ; AE 2.108/2
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0892-9149; 0092-1904
Official print number: GS 4.109; AE 2.108/2
OCLC number: 1371233410
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Budget of the US Government : fiscal year ... / Office of Management and Budget. Appendix
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1996 -
Budget of the US Government : fiscal year ... / Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
Hauptsacht. bis 2010: The budget of the United States Government
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Budget of the United States Government / Office of Management and Budget. Budget of the US Government
Washington, DC : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1996 -
Budget of the United States Government / Office of Management and Budget
Budget of the US Government
Washington, DC : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
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Budget of the United States Government : fiscal year ... / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. Analytical perspectives
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off. 1994 -
Budget of the United States Government : fiscal year ... / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC : US Gov.Print.Off.
SuDocs-Class.-no.: PrEx 2.8/5
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1934-0028
Official print number: PrEx 2.8/5; Y 1.1/7
OCLC number: 1368679068
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The budget of the US Government : fiscal year ending June 30 .. / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off. 1996 -
The budget of the US Government : fiscal year ending June 30 .. / Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget
Washington, DC : US Gov. Print. Off.
Gesehen am 06.09.05
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