Transfer : the European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the European Trade Union Institute / European Trade Union Institute
London : Sage ; Brussels : ETUI 1995 -
National licence
Transfer : the European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the European Trade Union Institute / European Trade Union Institute
London : Sage
Brussels : ETUI
Gesehen am 12.11.20
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Transfer (ISSN: 1024-2589)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1996-7284
OCLC number: 1368066221
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Transfer : European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the ETUI Research Department
London [u.a.] : Sage 1995 -
Transfer : European review of labour and research ; quarterly review of the ETUI Research Department
London [u.a.] : Sage
Antwerp : Keesing [anfangs]
Brussels [früher]
Beteil. Körp. 1.1995 - 11.2005,1: European Trade Union Institute; 2005-2008: European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Transfer (ISSN: 1996-7284)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1024-2589
OCLC number: 614387176
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WP / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department
Brussels : ETUI-REHS 2007-2009
WP / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department
Ersch. unregelmäßig; 2006 nicht ersch.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1994-4446
OCLC number: 1184420191
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Discussion papers / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department : DP
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 2005
Discussion papers / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department : DP
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1817-7050
OCLC number: 649163954
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Report / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 2005-2009
Report / European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety, Research Department
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
92.2005 - 108.2009 nachgewiesen
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ETUI-REHS Research Department newsletter
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 2007-2008
ETUI-REHS Research Department newsletter
Brussels : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
2007,Dez. - 2008; damit Ersch. eingest.
Gültige URL nicht zu ermitteln
Gesehen am 07.04.09
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