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Making Britain : discover how South Asians shaped the nation, 1870-1950
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Open Univ.
Nachgewiesen 2010 -
Susheila Nasta
[Dt.:] Diese Online-Datenbank enthält Information über südasiatische Personen, die zwischen 1870 und 1950 in Großbritannien lebten, die Organisationen, bei denen sie involviert waren, ihre britischen Netzwerke und wichtige Ereignissen, an denen sie teilgenommen haben. - [Engl.:] This online database provides information about South Asians in Britain from 1870 to 1950, the organizations they were involved in, their British connections, and the major events in which they participated. Designed as an interactive tool, it offers engaging and innovative search and browsing options, including a timeline, location maps, and network diagrams modelled on social networking sites which demonstrate South Asians' interactions and relationships in Britain at the time. Some entries have extracts from archival sources with explanation of their content and relevance. All information has been reproduced here for education and informational purposes only.
Homepage engl.
Gesehen am 14.05.14
OCLC-Nr.: 1366333458
http://www.open.ac.uk/makingbritain/ [Verlag] kostenfrei zugänglich
DDC-Sachgruppen der ZDB: 950 Geschichte Asiens
Savifa South Asians ; Britain ; Networks ; Social Participation
Sondersammelgebiet: 6,24
Vereinigtes Königreich, Großbritannien