41,Suppl.=9; 44,Suppl.=10; 48,Suppl.=11; 52,Suppl.=12; 57,Suppl.=13; 61,Suppl.=14; 65,Suppl.=15; 69,Suppl.=16; 73,Suppl.=17; 78,Suppl.1=18; 87,Suppl.1=19; 94,Suppl.2=20 von: International Society for Neurochemistry: Abstracts
48,Suppl.=18; 62,Suppl.=25; 64,Suppl.=26; 66,Suppl.1=27; 69,Suppl.=28; 70,Suppl.1=29; 72,Suppl.=30; 74,Suppl.=31; 78,Suppl.1=32; 81,Suppl.1=33; 85,Suppl.1=34; 90,Suppl.1=35; 94,Suppl.1=36; 96,Suppl.1=37; 104,Suppl.1=39; 108,Suppl.1=40 von: American Society for Neurochemistry: Abstracts
59,Suppl.=1; 63,Suppl.2=2; 67,Suppl.=3=5; 70,Suppl.2=4; 88,Suppl.1=6; 98,Suppl.1=7; 106,Suppl.1=8; 115,Suppl.1=10; 123,Suppl.1=11 von: Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry: Abstracts of the ... biennial meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry
63,Suppl.1=10; 66,Suppl.2=11; 71,Suppl.1=12; 73,Suppl.=13; 85,Suppl.2=14; 101,Suppl.1=17 von: European Society for Neurochemistry: Abstracts
69,Suppl.=28; 70,Suppl.1=29; 72,Suppl.=30; 74,Suppl.=31; 78,Suppl.1=32; 81,Suppl.1=33; 85,Suppl.1=34; 90,Suppl.1=35; 94,Suppl.1=36; 96,Suppl.1=37; 102,Suppl.1=38; 104,Suppl.1=39 von: American Society for Neurochemistry: Transactions of the American Society for Neurochemistry (ISSN: 0066-0132)
102,Suppl.1=21=38 von: International Society for Neurochemistry: Biennial meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry and the ... annual meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry