29=39 von: University of Toronto. Institute of Aerophysics: UTIA report
53,1=84; 54,1=85; 55,Suppl.=87; 56,Suppl.=88; 57,Suppl.1=89 - 88,Suppl.1=120; 89,4,2=121; 90,4,2=122; 91,4,2=123; 92,4,2=124; 93,4,2=125; 94,3,2=126; 95,5,2=127; 96,5,2=128; 97,5,2=129; 98,5,2=130; 99,4,2=131; 101,5,2=133; 102,5,2=134; 103,5,2=135; 104,3,2=136; 105,2,2=137; 106,4,2=138; 107,5,2=139; 108,5,2=140; 109,5,2=141; 110,5,2=142; 111,5,2=143; 112,5,2=144; 113,4,2=145; 114,4,2=146; 115,5,2=147; 116,4,2=148; 117,4,2=149; 118,3,2=150; 119,5,2=151; 121,5,2=153; 122,5,2=154; 124,4,2=156; 125,4,2=157; 126,4,2=158; 127,3,2=159; 128,4,2=160; 129,4,2=161; 130,4,2=162; 131,4,2=163; 132,3,2=164 u.a. von: Acoustical Society of America: Program of the ... meeting (ISSN: 0163-0962)
57,Suppl.2=1975 - 87,Suppl.2=1990; 90,2,2=1991; 92,2,2=1992; 94,2,2=1993; 96,2,2=1994; 98,2,2=1995; 100,2,2=1996; 102,2,2=1997; 104,2,2=1998; 106,3,2=1999; 108,3,2=2000; 110,3,2=2001; 112,3,2=2002; 114,6,2=2003; 116,6=2004 von: References to contemporary papers on acoustics (ISSN: 0163-0970)
64,Suppl.1=1; 84,Suppl.1=2; 100,4,2=3; 120,5,2=4; 140,4,2=5 von: Acoustical Society of America: Joint meeting