The American journal of surgery / American Association of Anesthetics. Ed. Robert M. Zollinger [u.a.]
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science 1890 -
The American journal of surgery / American Association of Anesthetics. Ed. Robert M. Zollinger [u.a.]
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science
New York, NY : Yorke Publ. [anfangs]
New York, NY : The American Journal of Surgery, Inc. [früher]
New York, NY : Dun-Donnelley Publ. Corp. [teils]
Newton, Mass. : Cahners Publ. [früher]
New York, NY : Excerpta Medica [früher]
1.1890 - 40.1926; N.S. 1.1926 -
Hauptsacht. 1.1890 - 17.1903: American journal of surgery and gynecology
Nebent. 1.1890 - 17.1903: American surgery and gynecology
Abkürzungstitel: Am. J. Surg.
Index 95/100.1958/60 in: 100.1960
Weitere Titelhinweise
135,4=58 von: New England Surgical Society: Papers of the New England Surgical Society
101,1=1, 103,1=2; 105,1=3 107,2=4; 109,1=5; 111,1=6; 113,1-2=7; 115,1-2=8; 117,1-2=9; 119,1-2=10; 121,1-2=11; 123,1-2=12; 125,1-2=13; 127,1-2=14; 129,1-2=15; 131,1-2=16; 133,1-2=17; 135,1-2=18 u.a. von: Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract: Papers of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
122,3=17 von: Boston University. Surgical Service: Boston University Surgical Service ... annual seminar
134,6=29; 158,6=41 von: Southwestern Surgical Congress: Papers of the Southwestern Surgical Congress
145,5=69; 159,5=76; 161,5=77; 163,5=78; 165,5=79; 167,5=80; 169,5=81; 171,5=82; 173,5=83; 175,5=84; 177,5=85; 179,5=86; 181,5=87 von: North Pacific Surgical Association: Papers of the North Pacific Surgical Association
148,2=12; 158,2=17; 162,4=19; 164,3=20; 166,2=21; 170,2=23; 172,2=24; 174,2=25; 176,2=26: Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery: Papers of the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
138,4=25; 140,4=26; 142,4=27; 158,4=35; 160,4=36; 162,4=37; 164,6=[38]; 166,4=39; 170,4=41; 174,5=43; 176,5=44 von: Society of Head and Neck Surgeons: Papers of the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons
148,1=55 von: Pacific Coast Surgical Association: Papers presented at the ... annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association
ISSN: 0002-9610
OCLC-Nr.: 1367317935
DDC-Sachgruppen der ZDB: 610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Weitere Klassifikation(en):
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): XA 10000
Schlagwörter: Chirurgie ; Zeitschrift
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