113,4=896 von: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Contributions from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Einzelne Bd. zugl. Bd. von 129,2=158; 132,2=159; 144,4=164 von "Publications of the Asiatic expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History"
88,4=3; 93,3=4; 95,3=5; 105,2=6; 109,4=7; 139=8 von: Contribution to the revision of the oreodonts (Merycoidodontidae)
68,8=7; 73,1=14; 73,4=16; 97,4=65; 98,7=66; 102,2=68; 111,2=75; 118,1=79 usw. von: Results of the Archbold expedition
109,2=162 von: Allan Hancock Foundation: Contributions
77,5=1; 79,1=2 von: Contribution to the revision of the Merycoidodontidae
97,5=11 von: Notes from the Walter Koelz Collections