38,Suppl.1=1 von: International Congress on Pancreatic and Islet Transplantation: Proceedings of the ... International Congress on Pancreatic and Islet Transplantation
17,Suppl.1=28; 19,Suppl.1=30; 20,Suppl.1=31; 21,Suppl.1=32; 22,Suppl.1=33; 23,Suppl.1=34; 24,Suppl.2=35; 25,Suppl.1=36; 26,Suppl.2=37; 27,Suppl.2=38; 28,Suppl.2=39; 29,Suppl.2=40; 30,Suppl.1=41; 31,Suppl.2=42; 32,Suppl.1=43; 33,Suppl.1=44; 34,Suppl.1=45; 35,Suppl.1=46; 36,Suppl.1=47; 37,Suppl.1=48; 38,Suppl.2=49; 41,Suppl.1=52 von: American Diabetes Association: Program
40,Suppl.1=14 von: International Diabetes Federation: International Diabetes Federation congress
12,Suppl.1=1960; 13,Suppl.1=1961; 14,Suppl.1=1962; 15,Suppl.1=1963; 16,Suppl.1=1964 von: Diabetes related literature index (ISSN: 0070-4652)
25,Suppl.2=[1]; 32,Suppl.2=2 von: Conference on Diabetic Microangiopathy: Proceedings of a Conference on Diabetic Microangiopathy
34,Suppl.2=2 von: International Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Proceedings of the International Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
42,Suppl.1=53; 43,Suppl.1=54; 44,Suppl.1=55; 45,Suppl.2=56; 46,Suppl.1=57; 47,Suppl.1=58; 48,Suppl.1=59; 49,Suppl.1=60; 50,Suppl.2=61; 51,Suppl.2=62; 52,Suppl.1=63; 53,Suppl.2=64; 54,Suppl.1=65 von: American Diabetes Association: Abstract book
21,Suppl.2=5 von: Insulin Symposium: Anniversary Insulin Symposium