1=1946,1; 2=1946,2; 3=1947,5; 4=1947,6; 5=1948,4; 6=1948,5; 7=1948,6; 8=1949,7; 9=1949,8; 10=1949,9; 11=1950,4; 12=1950,5; 13=1950,3; 14=1951,2; 15=1952,5; 16=1953,4 von: Akademiet for de tekniske videnskaber: Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences
3=25; 4=26; 5=35; 6=36; 7=37; 8=42; 9=43; 10=48; 11=49; 12=51; 13=52; 14=58; 15=80; 16=81 von: Dansk Textil Forsknings Institut (Kopenhagen): Communication from the Danish Institute for Textile Research