International urogynecology journal : official journal of the International Urogynecological Association and the Mexican Urogynecological Society
London [u.a] : Springer 1990 -
National licence
International urogynecology journal : official journal of the International Urogynecological Association and the Mexican Urogynecological Society
Nebent. 6.1995 - 13.2002: International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction
Nebent. ab 14.2003: International urogynecology journal including pelvic floor dysfunction
Abbreviated title: Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct
Abbreviated title: Int Urogynecol J
Ersch. unregelmäßig
Gesehen am 02.02.06
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1433-3023
ISSN: 1433-3023
OCLC number: 1368119861
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Gynäkologische Urologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Beckenbodenfunktionsstörung ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Frau ; Harnwegskrankheit ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Frau ; Harnwege ; Physiologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Physics and chemistry of the earth
London ; New York ; Paris : Pergamon Press 1956-1998
National licence
Physics and chemistry of the earth
London ; New York ; Paris : Pergamon Press
Publication history
Volume 1 (1956)-volume 23, issue 9/10 (1998)
Gesehen am 20.11.24
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Physics and chemistry of the earth (ISSN: 0079-1946)
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Evaluation in education: international progress
Oxford : Pergamon Press Ltd. 1977-1979
National licence
Evaluation in education: international progress
Oxford : Pergamon Press Ltd.
Publication history
Volume 1, issue 1 (1977)-volume 2, issue 4 (1978/1979)
Gesehen am 05.12.24
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Evaluation in education, 1977-1979 (ISSN: 0145-9228)
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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AI & society : the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence
London : Springer 1987 -
National licence
AI & society : the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence
Ersch. unregelmäßig
Gesehen am 18.09.20
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: AI & society (ISSN: 0951-5666)
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1435-5655
ISSN: 1435-5655
OCLC number: 1183388926
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 004 Data processing & computer science
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): DAT 700z
German subject headings: Künstliche Intelligenz
Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation ; Ergonomie
Informationstechnik ; Gesellschaft
Künstliche Intelligenz ; Sozialanthropologie
Künstliche Intelligenz ; Mensch-Maschine-System
Künstliche Intelligenz
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Osteoporosis international : a joint initiave of the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA
London : Springer ; [Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Springer 1990 -
National licence
Osteoporosis international : a joint initiave of the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA
London : Springer
[Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Springer
Abbreviated title: Osteoporosis Int.
Abbreviated title: Osteoporos Int
Ersch. monatl.
Gesehen am 06.12.05
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1433-2965
ISSN: 1433-2965
OCLC number: 1368099874
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Osteoporose ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Osteoporose ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Lasers in medical science
London : Springer 1986 -
National licence
Lasers in medical science
Abbreviated title: Lasers Med Sci
Ersch. 4x jährl.
Gesehen am 13.06.23
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1435-604X
ISSN: 1435-604X
OCLC number: 1368072300
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Lasertherapie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Clinical rheumatology
London : Springer ; [Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Springer 1982 -
National licence
London : Springer
[Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Springer
Ersch. alle zwei Monate
Gesehen am 05.12.05
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1434-9949
ISSN: 1434-9949
OCLC number: 1368160100
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Rheumatologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Rheumatismus ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Rheumatologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Evolutionary ecology
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V ; London : Chapman and Hall 1987 -
National licence
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V
London : Chapman and Hall
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer [-2004]
Gesehen am 16.04.19
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1573-8477
OCLC number: 1183388544
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Environmental and ecological statistics
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V ; London : Chapman & Hall 1994 -
National licence
Environmental and ecological statistics
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V
London : Chapman & Hall
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer [-2004]
Gesehen am 21.09.11
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1573-3009
OCLC number: 961358403
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Chromatographia : an international journal for rapid communication in chromatography and related techniques / ed. E. Bayer [u.a.]
Wiesbaden : Vieweg ; Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer 1968 -
National licence
Chromatographia : an international journal for rapid communication in chromatography and related techniques / ed. E. Bayer [u.a.]
Wiesbaden : Vieweg
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer
Braunschweig : Vieweg [anfangs]
Oxford [u.a.] : Pergamon Press [40.1995 - 48.1998,1/2]
Abbreviated title: Chromatographia
Abbreviated title: Chromatogr.
Ersch. monatl.
Zsfass. in dt., engl. u. franz. Sprache
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1612-1112
Linking ISSN: 0009-5893
ISSN: 1612-1112
OCLC number: 1368083267
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 540 Chemistry
DDC numbers: 543.805
German subject headings: Chromatographie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts
National licence
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts
Oxford ; Elmsford : Pergamon Press [1974-1978]
Exeter : Pergamon Press [1979-1993]
Publication history
Volume 10, issue 2 (March 1973)-volume 33, issue 8 (December 1996)
Abbreviated title: Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr.
Abbreviated title: Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr.
Abbreviated title: Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. (GB)
Gesehen am 18.06.24
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts (ISSN: 0148-9062)
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Journal of historical geography
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier 1975 -
National licence
Journal of historical geography
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier
London : Academic Press [anfangs]
Publication history
1.1975 - 38.2012; Vol. 39.2013 -
Ersch. 4x jährl.; ab 2013 mit durchgehender Heftzählung, die als Vol. bez. wird
Gesehen am 03.01.11
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1095-8614
OCLC number: 960783743
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 910 Geography & travel
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): GEO 110z
German subject headings: Historische Geografie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The lancet
London [u.a.] : Elsevier 1823 -
National licence
London [u.a.] : Elsevier
London : The Lancet Ltd. [anfangs]
Abweichender Titel: London lancet
Abweichender Titel: Lancet (British ed. Online)
Abbreviated title: Lancet
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 0140-6736
ISSN: 1474-547X
OCLC number: 1021351103
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 850
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Clinical oncology : a journal of the Royal College of Radiologists
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Saunders 1989 -
National licence
Clinical oncology : a journal of the Royal College of Radiologists
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Saunders
London : Springer [anfangs]
Edinburgh : Harcourt [früher]
Abbreviated title: Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)
Ersch. 6x jährl.
Gesehen am 04.02.20
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1433-2981
Incorrect ISSN of the original: 1433-2987
OCLC number: 985465960
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Onkologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Onkologie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Krebs ; Therapie ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Long range planning : LRP ; international journal of strategic management / Strategic Planning Society
Oxford : Elsevier 1968 -
National licence
Long range planning : LRP ; international journal of strategic management / Strategic Planning Society
Oxford : Elsevier
London [u.a.] : Pergamon [anfangs]
Nebent.: Long range planning journal
Abbreviated title: Long Range Plann.
Abbreviated title: Long Range Plan
Abbreviated title: Long-Rang P
Abbreviated title: LOR
Abbreviated title: LRP
Gesehen am 18.11.2021
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0024-6301
OCLC number: 973872729
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): WIR 537z
German subject headings: Planung ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Planung ; Zeitschrift
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Journal of Asian and African studies : JAAS
London [u.a.] : Sage Publ. 1966 -
National licence
Journal of Asian and African studies : JAAS
London [u.a.] : Sage Publ.
Leiden [u.a.] : Brill [-2001]
Willowdale, Ont. : De Sitter [2002-2003]
Abbreviated title: J As Afr Stud
Abbreviated title: J Asian Afr Stud
Abbreviated title: J Asian Afric Stud
Gesehen am 27.08.2020
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1745-2538
OCLC number: 1368114939
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Comparative biochemistry and physiology : CBP ; international journal / Division of Comparative Physiology, American Society of Zoologists. B, Comparative biochemistry
National licence
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : CBP ; international journal / Division of Comparative Physiology, American Society of Zoologists
B, Comparative biochemistry
Oxford ; Elmsford : Pergamon Press [1971-1994]
Publication history
Vol. 38, no. 1 (January 1971)-vol. 109, no. 4 (December 1994)
Abbreviated title: Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Abbreviated title: Comp Biochem Physiol [B]
Abbreviated title: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B
Gesehen am 27.05.24
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Comparative biochemistry and physiology (ISSN: 0305-0491)
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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General relativity and gravitation : GRG journal / publ. under the ausp. of the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation, GRG
New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1970 -
National licence
General relativity and gravitation : GRG journal / publ. under the ausp. of the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation, GRG
New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
London [u.a.] : Kluwer [-2004]
Abbreviated title: Gen. Relativ. Gravitation
Abbreviated title: Gen. Relativ. Gravit.
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Gesehen am 02.11.2012
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1572-9532
OCLC number: 1183386480
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Virtual reality
London : Springer ; [Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Host 1995 -
National licence
London : Springer
[Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Host
Ersch. vierteljährl.
Gesehen am 02.11.05
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1434-9957
OCLC number: 961356730
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Environmental geochemistry and health : official journal of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V ; [Andover] : Chapman & Hall 1979 -
National licence
Environmental geochemistry and health : official journal of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V
[Andover] : Chapman & Hall
Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer [-2004]
Hauptsacht. 1.1979 - 6.1984: Minerals and the environment
Abbreviated title: Environ Geochem Health
Gesehen am 21.09.11
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1573-2983
OCLC number: 1368131720
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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