The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
Nashville, Tenn. : American Economic Assoc. 1911 -
The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
Nashville, Tenn. : American Economic Assoc.
Cambridge, Mass. [anfangs]
Menasha, Wis. : Assoc. [früher]
Abbreviated title: Am. Econ. Rev.
Jährl. ersch. zusätzl. ein Heft mit separater Seitenzählung u.d.T.: Papers and proceedings of the ... : annual meeting of the American Economic Association; bis 2015 Ersch. jährl.
Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson
Further related titles
1=4.Ser.1,1u.3u.5-6; 7,4,Suppl.=Index 1886/1910 von: American Economic Association: Publications of the American Economic Association (ISSN: 1049-7498)
54,2,2,Suppl.=1; 54,4,2,Suppl.=[2] von: Surveys of foreign postwar developments in economic thought
Ab 35.1945 jeweils H.2 zugl. Bd. von: American Economic Association: Papers and proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Economic Association (ISSN: 0065-812X)
Einzelne Nr. zugl. Bd. von: American Economic Association: Handbook of the American Economic Association
39,1=1948; 64,5=1974 von: American Economic Association: Directory of members
68,6=1978; 71,6=1981; 75,6=1985; 79,6=1989; 83,6=1993; 87,6=1997 von: American Economic Association: American Economic Association charter and bylaws, ... survey of members
58,2=1968; 59,2=1969; 61=1971 von: Surveys of national economic policy issues and policy research
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0002-8282
OCLC number: 1367321476
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology ; 330 Economics
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 650 ; 610
IFZ-Systematik (ifzs): q 2
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QA 10000
Systematik der TUB München (stub): WIR 001z
German subject headings: Wirtschaftswissenschaften ; Zeitschrift
monthly ; irregular, varia
Preservation and archiving
Committed to retain; Note: f eingeschränkte Benutzung; Volumes: 1.1911-82.1992; Date of action: 2021 ; Authorization: Speicherverbund Nord ; Institution: Kiel ZBW
mass deacidified; Volumes: 1.1911-24.1934,1;25.1935,1-35.1945,3;36.1946,3-39.1949; Date of action: 2016 ; Institution: Kiel ZBW
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The American economic review : articles, shorter papers, papers & proceedings ; a journal of the American Economic Association
[Nashville, Tenn.] : [Assoc.] 2000 -
The American economic review : articles, shorter papers, papers & proceedings ; a journal of the American Economic Association
[Nashville, Tenn.] : [Assoc.]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 89/90.1999/2000(2000) -
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