18,Suppl.1=9; 30,Suppl.2=12; 33,Suppl.1=13 von: European Association of Urology: Abstracts
27,Suppl.1=23 von: International Society of Urology: Proceedings of a symposium held at the ... world congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie
32,Suppl.1=1996 von: European Association of Urology: European Association of Urology (EAU) meeting
32,Suppl.1=1996 von: International Continence Society: International Continence Society (ICS) meeting
34,Suppl.1=4 von: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Urologie: Proceedings of the ... international congress of the Dutch Urological Association
35,Suppl.2=14; 37,Suppl.2=15; 39,Suppl.5=16 von: European Association of Urology: Abstract book
39,Suppl.2,1=2001 von: Associazione Urologi Italiani: Selected papers from the congresses of the Associazione Urologi Italiani
Einzelne Suppl.-Bd. zugl. Bd. von: Heinrich-Warner-Stiftung: ... Symposium