Classical world : a quarterly journal on antiquity / publ. by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press ; Project Muse 1957 -
National licence
Classical world : a quarterly journal on antiquity / publ. by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press ; Project Muse
Philadelphia, Pa. : Univ. of the Sciences [bis 2011]
Gesehen am 11.03.2016
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1558-9234
OCLC number: 985465450
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Classical world / publ. by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press 1957 -
Classical world / publ. by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press
New York, NY [anfangs]
Philadelphia, Pa. : Univ. of the Sciences [-2011]
Publication history
51.1957/58 - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung
Titelzusatz bis Volume 105, Number 4 (2011/2012): a quarterly journal on antiquity
Nr. 1586 dreifach gez.
23 cm
Einzelne Hefte als Special survey issue bez.
Further related titles
78,4=2; 85,5=3 von: Directory of college and university classicists in the United States and Canada
83,4=1990; 85,4=1992; 88,4=1995 von: Books for teaching the classics in English
89,4=1996; 91,2/3=1998; 93,4=2000; 95,3=2002; 97,3=2004; 99,3=2006; 101,3=2008; 103,3=2010; 105,3=2012 von: Texts and technology
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0009-8418
OCLC number: 1367274370
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Texts and technology : resources for teachers / Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pa. : Univ. of the Sciences 1996 -
Texts and technology : resources for teachers / Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Department of Humanities, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pa. : Univ. of the Sciences
Further related titles
1996=89,4; 1998=91,2/3; 2000=93,4; 2002=95,3; 2004=97,3; 2006=99,3 2008=101,3; 2010=103,3; 2012=105,3 von: Classical world (ISSN: 0009-8418)
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