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Loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries / International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries. European Federation of Chemical Engineering
International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries
International Loss Prevention Symposium
European Federation of Chemical Engineering
Frankfurt, M. : Dechema
Amsterdam : Elsevier [1974]
1.1974 -
Hauptsacht. 1.1974: Proceedings of the International Loss Prevention Symposium
Nebent. 2.1977: Proceedings
Sachl. Untergliederung 3.1980 in Vol. 1-4: Preprints; Vol. 5: Proceedings
2=1 von: European Federation of Chemical Engineering: EFCE publication series (ISSN: 0378-7419)
3=228 von: European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Event of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering
ISSN: 0378-7419
OCLC number: 722053298
DDC subject groups: 650 Management & public relations
Congress report
Germany, Federal Republic of and Germany since 1990-10-03 ; Netherlands
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries
2.1978 nachgewiesen
Zugl. Bd. von: European Federation of Chemical Engineering: EFCE publication series (ISSN: 0378-7419)
OCLC number: 183423938
DDC subject groups: 660 Chemical engineering
Germany, Federal Republic of and Germany since 1990-10-03