Diabetes : a journal of the American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, Va : Assoc. 1952 -
Diabetes : a journal of the American Diabetes Association
Abbreviated title: Diabet
Gesehen am 21.01.2022
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Diabetes (ISSN: 0012-1797)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1939-327X
OCLC number: 1368063771
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Diabetes spectrum / American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, Va. : ADA 1996 -
Diabetes spectrum / American Diabetes Association
Gesehen am 28.05.2020
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1944-7353
OCLC number: 746270391
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Diabetes : the journal of the American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, VA. : American Diabetes Association 1952 -
Diabetes : the journal of the American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, VA. : American Diabetes Association
New York, NY : American Diabetes Association [anfangs]
Abbreviated title: Diabetes
Abbreviated title: Diabet
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Diabetes (ISSN: 1939-327X)
Further related titles
38,Suppl.1=1 von: International Congress on Pancreatic and Islet Transplantation: Proceedings of the ... International Congress on Pancreatic and Islet Transplantation
17,Suppl.1=28; 19,Suppl.1=30; 20,Suppl.1=31; 21,Suppl.1=32; 22,Suppl.1=33; 23,Suppl.1=34; 24,Suppl.2=35; 25,Suppl.1=36; 26,Suppl.2=37; 27,Suppl.2=38; 28,Suppl.2=39; 29,Suppl.2=40; 30,Suppl.1=41; 31,Suppl.2=42; 32,Suppl.1=43; 33,Suppl.1=44; 34,Suppl.1=45; 35,Suppl.1=46; 36,Suppl.1=47; 37,Suppl.1=48; 38,Suppl.2=49; 41,Suppl.1=52 von: American Diabetes Association: Program
40,Suppl.1=14 von: International Diabetes Federation: International Diabetes Federation congress
12,Suppl.1=1960; 13,Suppl.1=1961; 14,Suppl.1=1962; 15,Suppl.1=1963; 16,Suppl.1=1964 von: Diabetes related literature index (ISSN: 0070-4652)
25,Suppl.2=[1]; 32,Suppl.2=2 von: Conference on Diabetic Microangiopathy: Proceedings of a Conference on Diabetic Microangiopathy
34,Suppl.2=2 von: International Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Proceedings of the International Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
42,Suppl.1=53; 43,Suppl.1=54; 44,Suppl.1=55; 45,Suppl.2=56; 46,Suppl.1=57; 47,Suppl.1=58; 48,Suppl.1=59; 49,Suppl.1=60; 50,Suppl.2=61; 51,Suppl.2=62; 52,Suppl.1=63; 53,Suppl.2=64; 54,Suppl.1=65 von: American Diabetes Association: Abstract book
21,Suppl.2=5 von: Insulin Symposium: Anniversary Insulin Symposium
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0012-1797
OCLC number: 1367271680
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Diabetes mellitus ; Pathophysiologie ; Zeitschrift
Diabetes mellitus ; Physiologie
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Diabetes care / American Diabetes Association, Inc.
Alexandria, Va. : Assoc. 1978 -
Diabetes care / American Diabetes Association, Inc.
Alexandria, Va. : Assoc.
New York, NY : Assoc. [anfangs]
Abbreviated title: Diabetes Care
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Diabetes care (ISSN: 1935-5548)
Further related titles
19,Suppl.1=1996; 20,Suppl.1=1997; 22,Suppl.1=1999; 23,Suppl.1=2000; 25,Suppl.1=2002; 27,Suppl.1=2004; 28,Suppl.1=2005; 29,Suppl.1=2006; 30,Suppl.1=2007; 31,Suppl.1=2008; 32,Suppl.1=2009; 33,Suppl.1=2010; 34,Suppl.1=2011; 35,Suppl.1=2012; 36,Suppl.1=2013; 37,Suppl.1=2014 von: Clinical practice recommendations
28,Suppl.1=2005; 29,Suppl.1=2006; 30,Suppl.1=2007; 2008,Suppl.1=2008; 32,Suppl.1=2009 von: Clinical practice recommendations (ISSN: 0149-5992)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0149-5992
OCLC number: 231041220
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Abstract book / American Diabetes Association : ... annual meeting
New York, NY : American Diabetes Association 1993 -
Abstract book / American Diabetes Association : ... annual meeting
New York, NY : American Diabetes Association
Zusatz ab 59.1999: Scientific sessions
Further related titles
53=42,Suppl.1; 54=43,Suppl.1; 55=44,Suppl.1; 56=45,Suppl.2; 57=46,Suppl.1; 58=47,Suppl.1; 59=48,Suppl.1; 60=49,Suppl.1; 61=50,Suppl.2; 62=51,Suppl.2; 63=52,Suppl.1; 64=53,Suppl.2; 65=54,Suppl.1 von: Diabetes (ISSN: 0012-1797)
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Program / American Diabetes Association : annual meeting
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1968-1992
Program / American Diabetes Association : annual meeting
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 28.1968 - 52.1992
Nebent.: Scientific programs
Further related titles
28=17,Suppl.1; 30=19,Suppl.1; 31=20,Suppl.1; 32=21,Suppl.1; 33=22,Suppl.1; 34=23,Suppl.1; 35=24,Suppl.2; 36=25,Suppl.1; 37=26,Suppl.2; 38=27,Suppl.2; 39=28,Suppl.2; 40=29,Suppl.2; 41=30,Suppl.1; 42=31,Suppl.2; 43=32,Suppl.1; 44=33,Suppl.1; 45=34,Suppl.1; 46=35,Suppl.1; 47=36,Suppl.1; 48=37,Suppl.1; 49=38,Suppl.2; 52=41,Suppl.1 von: Diabetes (ISSN: 0012-1797)
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Clinical practice recommendations / American Diabetes Association
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 2004-2008
Clinical practice recommendations / American Diabetes Association
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 2005(2004)-2008 ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
is supplement of
Supplement zu 2005 u. 2007 auch Beil. zu: Diabetes (ISSN: 0012-1797)
Further related titles
2005=28,Suppl.1; 2006=29,Suppl.1; 2007=30,Suppl.1; 2008=2008,Suppl.1. von: Diabetes care (ISSN: 0149-5992)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0149-5992
OCLC number: 1071532388
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Clinical practice recommendations / American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, Va. : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1990 -
Clinical practice recommendations / American Diabetes Association
Alexandria, Va. : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 1989/90(1990) -
Further related titles
1996=19,Suppl.1; 1997=20,Suppl.1; 1999=22,Suppl.1; 2000=23,Suppl.1; 2002=25,Suppl.1; 2004=27,Suppl.1; 2005=28,Suppl.1; 2006=29,Suppl.1; 2007=30,Suppl.1; 2008=31,Suppl.1; 2009=32,Suppl.1; 2010=33,Suppl.1; 2011=34,Suppl.1; 2012=35,Suppl.1; 2013=36,Suppl.1; 2014=37,Suppl.1 von: Diabetes care (ISSN: 0149-5992)
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Proceedings of the American Diabetes Association : annual meeting
Cincinnati, Ohio : Assoc. 1942-1950
Proceedings of the American Diabetes Association : annual meeting
Cincinnati, Ohio : Assoc.
Hauptsacht. teils: Proceedings
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0097-1472
OCLC number: 633520422
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Diabetes abstracts / American Diabetes Association
Cincinnati, Ohio : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1942-1951
Diabetes abstracts / American Diabetes Association
Cincinnati, Ohio : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
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ADA-Kongreß ... / [American Diabetes Association]
Mainz : Kirchheim-Verl. 1998-2001
ADA-Kongreß ... / [American Diabetes Association]
Publication history
1998 - 2001; damit Ersch. eingest.
Monographic series
Kirchheim-Kongreß Diabetes
Ersch. unregelmäßig
28 cm
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The American Diabetes Association ... resource guide
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Assoc. 1998 -
The American Diabetes Association ... resource guide
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Assoc.
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 1999(1998) -
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1537-0836
OCLC number: 1068724246
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Diabetes mellitus / American Diabetes Association
Bowie, Md. : Brady 1981 -
Diabetes mellitus / American Diabetes Association
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0146-2792
OCLC number: 985564850
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