Cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 1916 -
Cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Publication history
1.1916 - 40.1940; 1.1941 -
Hauptsacht. bis 14.1930: Journal of cancer research
Hauptsacht. 15.1931 - 40.1940: American journal of cancer
Abbreviated title: Cancer Res.
Abbreviated title: Canc Res
Abbreviated title: J Cancer Res
Abbreviated title: Am J Cancer
Gesehen am 09.06.2023
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1538-7445
OCLC number: 1368119728
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Clinical cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR 1995 -
Clinical cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR
Abbreviated title: Clin Canc Res
Abbreviated title: Clin Cancer Res
Gesehen am 08.06.2023
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1557-3265
OCLC number: 1368077240
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Cancer research : an official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research / Harold P. Rush, ed.-in-chief
Birmingham, Ala. [u.a.] : AACR 1941-2020
Cancer research : an official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research / Harold P. Rush, ed.-in-chief
Birmingham, Ala. [u.a.] : AACR
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. Press [1941-1963]
Baltimore, Md. : Williams & Wilkins [1964-1977]
Baltimore, Md. : Waverly Press [1977-1994]
Philadelphia, Pa. : Assoc. [1995-1997]
Abbreviated title: Cancer Res.
Abbreviated title: Canc Res
69.2009,Suppl. 2 nur online ersch.
Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson
2021 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Ungezählte Beilage ab 1958: Suppl.
Further related titles
36,9,2=4 von: Conference on Embryonic and Fetal Antigens in Cancer: Symposium
18,8,2=1; 19,3,2=2; 19,6,2=3; 19,10,2=4; 20,3,2=5; 20,5,2=6; 20,7,2=7; 20,10,2=8; 21,3,2=9; 21,6,2=10; 21,8,2=11; 21,10,2=12; 22,1,2=13; 22,4,2=14; 22,5,2=15; 22,7,2=16; 22,8,2=17; 22,10,2=18; 23,2,2=19; 23,4,2=20; 23,5,2=21; 23,6,2=22; 23,7,2=23; 23,8,2=24; 23,9,2=25; 23,10,2=26; 24,1,2=27; 24,2,2=28; 24,3,2=29; 24,4,2=30; 24,6,2=31; 24,11,2=32; 25,1,2=33; 25,2,2=34; 25,3,2=35; 25,4,2=36; 25,5,2=37; 25,6,2=38; 25,7,2=39; 25,9,2=40; 25,11,2=41; 26,2,2=42; 26,3,2=43; 26,4,2=44; 26,6,2=45; 26,7,2=46; 26,8,2=47; 26,9,2=48; 26,11,2=49; 26,12,2=50; 27,2,2=51; 27,3,2=52; 27,5,2=53; 27,6,2=54; 27,8,2=55; 27,10,2=56; 27,11,2=57; 27,12,2=58 von: Cancer chemotherapy screening data
51,12=1 von: American Association for Cancer Research: Joint conference of the American Association for Cancer Research and the European Association for Cancer Research
52,2=2; 55,3=3 von: American Association for Cancer Research: Joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Japanese Cancer Association
43,5,Suppl.=3 von: Workshop Conference on Nutrition in Cancer Causation and Prevention: Workshop Conference on Nutrition in Cancer Causation and Prevention
59,7,Suppl.=20 von: General Motors Cancer Research Foundation: Annual scientific conference of the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0008-5472
OCLC number: 1367298103
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): XA 10000 ; XA 36000
German subject headings: Krebsforschung ; Zeitschrift
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Molecular cancer therapeutics / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2001 -
Molecular cancer therapeutics / American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Mol Cancer Ther
Gesehen am 08.06.2023
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1538-8514
OCLC number: 1368064373
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Cancer immunology research : illuminating the interplay of cancer and the immune system / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2013 -
Cancer immunology research : illuminating the interplay of cancer and the immune system / American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Cancer Immunol Res
Gesehen am 08.06.2023
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2326-6074
OCLC number: 1368872016
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): MED 325z
German subject headings: Krebsforschung ; Immunologie ; Zeitschrift
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Molecular cancer research : MCR / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2002 -
Molecular cancer research : MCR / American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Mol Canc Res
Gesehen am 08.06.2023
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1557-3125
OCLC number: 1368076160
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Proceedings : annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
Columbia, MD : Cadmus Professional Communications 1953 -
Proceedings : annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
Columbia, MD : Cadmus Professional Communications
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. of Chicago Press [anfangs]
Baltimore, Md. : Williams & Wilkins [früher]
Baltimore, Md. : Waverly Press [früher]
Publication history
1.1953/54 - 3.1959/62 = Meeting 44-53; 4=54.1963 - 14=64.1973; 15=65=10.1974 - 22=72=17.1981; 23=73.1982 - 44=94.2003[?]; nachgewiesen 47=97.2006 -
Hauptsacht. 1.1953/54 - 14=64.1973 u. Nebent. ab 23=73.1982: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research
Nebent. 15=65=10.1974 - 22=72=17.1981: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research and American Society for Clinical Oncology
Nebent. ab 36=86.1985: Scientific proceedings
Zusatz 1.1953/54 - 2.1955/58,1: abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting
Zusatz 2.1955/58,2 - 14.1973: annual meeting
Zusatz teils: screening data ... and ... annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0569-2261
OCLC number: 643486370
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): XA 17600
German subject headings: Krebsforschung ; Zeitschrift
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Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR 1995-2020
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR
Abbreviated title: Clin Canc Res
Abbreviated title: Clin Cancer Res
2021 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Ungezählte Beilage: Suppl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1078-0432
OCLC number: 263608798
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): XA 36791
German subject headings: Krebs ; Zeitschrift
Krebsforschung ; Zeitschrift
Onkologie ; Zeitschrift
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Cancer chemotherapy screening data / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : Univ. Press 1958-1967
Cancer chemotherapy screening data / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : Univ. Press
Index 1/32.1958/64
Further related titles
1=18,8,2; 2=19,3,2; 3=19,6,2; 4=19,10,2; 5=20,3,2; 6=20,5,2; 7=20,7,2; 8=20,10,2; 9=21,3,2; 10=21,6,2; 11=21,8,2; 12=21,10,2; 13=22,1,1; 14=22,4,2; 15=22,5,2; 16=22,7,2; 17=22,8,2; 18=22,11,2; 19=23,2,2; 20=23,4,2; 21=23,5,2; 22=23,6,2; 23=23,7,2; 24=23,8,2; 25=23,9,2; 26=23,10,2; 27=24,1,2; 28=24,2,2; 29=24,3,2; 30=24,4,2; 31=24,6,2; 32=24,11,2; 33=25,1,2; 34=25,2,2; 35=25,3,2; 36=25,4,2; 37=25,5,2; 38=25,6,2; 39=25,7,2; 40=25,9,2; 41=25,11,2; 42=26,2,2; 43=26,3,2; 44=26,4,2; 45=26,6,2; 46=26,7,2; 47=26,8,2; 48=26,9,2; 49=26,11,2; 50=26,12,2; 51=27,2,2; 52=27,3,2; 53=27,5,2; 54=27,6,2; 55=27,8,2; 56=27,10,2; 57=27,11,2; 58=27,12,2 von: Cancer research (ISSN: 0008-5472)
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Cell growth & differentiation : CG&D ; the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Baltimore, Md. : Waverly Press 1990-2002
Cell growth & differentiation : CG&D ; the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Baltimore, Md. : Waverly Press
Abbreviated title: Cell Growth & Differ
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1044-9523
OCLC number: 613499205
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Molecular cancer research : a journal of the molecular and cellular biology of cancer ; a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research ; MCR
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2002-2020
Molecular cancer research : a journal of the molecular and cellular biology of cancer ; a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research ; MCR
Abbreviated title: Mol Canc Res
2021 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1541-7786
OCLC number: 265026140
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Proceedings / American Association for Cancer Research : annual meeting
Philadelphia, Pa. : American Assoc. for Cancer Research 2004 -
Proceedings / American Association for Cancer Research : annual meeting
Philadelphia, Pa. : American Assoc. for Cancer Research
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 45=95.2004 -
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Cancer research : the official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research. Supplement
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. Press 1953-1956
Cancer research : the official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. Press
Forts. als ungezählte Beil. bei der Hauptzeitschr
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0576-6656
OCLC number: 263594011
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Molecular cancer therapeutics : MCT ; integrating targets, technologies and treatments / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2001-2020
Molecular cancer therapeutics : MCT ; integrating targets, technologies and treatments / American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Mol Cancer Ther
Anfangs ohne 2. Zusatz
2021 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1535-7163
OCLC number: 1368056827
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Cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2007
Cancer research / American Association for Cancer Research
Abbreviated title: Cancer Res.
Abbreviated title: Canc Res
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Negative data from experimental cancer chemotherapy studies / American Association for Cancer Research
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. of Chicago Pr. 1953-1955
Negative data from experimental cancer chemotherapy studies / American Association for Cancer Research
Chicago, Ill. : Univ. of Chicago Pr.
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Joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Japanese Cancer Association
Baltimore, Md. : AACR 1992 -
Joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Japanese Cancer Association
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Joint conference of the American Association for Cancer Research and the European Association for Cancer Research
Baltimore, Md. : AACR 1991 -
Joint conference of the American Association for Cancer Research and the European Association for Cancer Research
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Cancer immunology research : illuminating the interplay of cancer and the immune system / American Association for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR 2013-2020
Cancer immunology research : illuminating the interplay of cancer and the immune system / American Association for Cancer Research
Nebent.: CIR
Abbreviated title: Cancer Immunol Res
2021 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2326-6066
OCLC number: 862826972
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AACR cancer progress report
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR 2012 -
AACR cancer progress report
Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] : AACR
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