Diabetologia : journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer 1965 -
National licence
Diabetologia : journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer
Ersch. monatl.
Ungezählte Beil.: Supplement
Gesehen am 27. November 2017
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Diabetologia (ISSN: 0012-186X)
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 1432-0428
ISSN: 1432-0428
OCLC number: 1085403751
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Diabetes mellitus ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Publikation
Diabetes mellitus ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Diabetologia : journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) / ed. in chief K. Oberdisse [u.a.]
Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer 1965 -
Diabetologia : journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) / ed. in chief K. Oberdisse [u.a.]
Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer
Titelzusatz früher: organ of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Abbreviated title: Diabetologia
Ungezählte Beil.: EASD news section; Supplement
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Diabetologia (ISSN: 1432-0428)
Further related titles
3,2=[1]; 6,3=2; 10,Suppl.=3 von: Brook Lodge Workshop on Spontaneous Diabetes in Laboratory Animals: Brook Lodge Workshop on Spontaneous Diabetes in Laboratory Animals
27,Suppl.=20; 29,Suppl.=22; 30,Suppl.=23; 31,Suppl.=24; 32,Suppl.=25; 33,Suppl.=26; 34,Suppl.2=27; 35,Suppl.1=28; 36,Suppl.1=29; 37,Suppl.1=30; 38,Suppl.1=31; 39,Suppl.1=32; 41,Suppl.1=34; 42,Suppl.1=35; 43,Suppl.1=36; 44,Suppl.1=37; 45,Suppl.2=38; 47,Suppl.1=40; 48,Suppl.1=41; 49,Suppl.1=42; 50,Suppl.1=43; 51,Suppl.1=44 von: European Association for the Study of Diabetes: Abstracts of the ... EASD annual meeting
in 35,Suppl.1=27; in 36,Suppl.1=28; in 38,Suppl.1=30; in 39,Suppl.=31; in 40,Suppl.=32; in 41,Suppl.1=33; in 42,Suppl.1=34; in 43,Suppl.1=35; in 46,Suppl.2=38 von: European Association for the Study of Diabetes: Minutes of the ... general assembly of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
40,Suppl.1=16 von: International Diabetes Federation: Abstracts of the International Diabetes Federation congress
46,Suppl.2=18 von : International Diabetes Federation: Abstracts of the congress of the International Diabetes Federation
52,Suppl.1=45; 53,Suppl.1=46; 54,Suppl.1=47; 55,Suppl.1=48 von: European Association for the Study of Diabetes: Abstract volume
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 0012-186X
ISSN: 0012-186X
OCLC number: 231008453
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
DDC numbers: 616.462005
Other classifications:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): XA 40615
German subject headings: Diabetes mellitus ; Zeitschrift
Preservation and archiving
Committed to retain ; Authorization: Deposition copy Baden-Württemberg ; Institution: Karlsruhe LB
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Abstracts of the ... EASD annual meeting
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer 1965-2008
Abstracts of the ... EASD annual meeting
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer
Aarhus : EASD [anfangs]
Hauptsacht. teils: Abstracts
Hauptsacht. teils: Abstracts of the ... annual meeting of the EASD
Hauptsacht. teils: Annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Nebent. bis 32.1996: Abstracts of the ... annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Nebent. ab 34.1998: Abstracts of the ... annual meeting of the EASD
Zusatz bis 35.1999: annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
39.2003 nicht ersch.; jährl.
Further related titles
20=27,Suppl.; 22=29,Suppl.; 23=30,Suppl.; 24=31,Suppl.; 25=32,Suppl.; 26=33,Suppl.; 27=34,Suppl.2; 28=35,Suppl.1; 29=36,Suppl.1; 30=37,Suppl.1; 31=38,Suppl.1; 32=39,Suppl.1; 34=41,Suppl.1; 35=42,Suppl.1; 36=43,Suppl.1; 37=44,Suppl.1; 38=45,Suppl.2; 40=47,Suppl.1; 41=48,Suppl.1; 42=49,Suppl.1; 43=50,Suppl.1; 44=51,Suppl.1 von: Diabetologia (ISSN: 0012-186X)
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
DDC numbers: 616.462
German subject headings: Diabetes mellitus ; Kongress
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Abstract volume : ... EASD annual meeting
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer 2009-2015
Abstract volume : ... EASD annual meeting
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer
Ersch. jährl.
28 cm
Fortgesetzt als Monografie
Further related titles
45=52,Suppl.1; 46=53,Suppl.1; 47=54,Suppl.1; 48=55,Suppl.1; 49=56,Suppl.1 von: Diabetologia (ISSN: 0012-186X)
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
DDC numbers: 616.462
German subject headings: Diabetes ; Kongress
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Minutes of the ... general assembly of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer 1995 -
Minutes of the ... general assembly of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 30.1994(1995) -
Further related titles
27 in 35,Suppl.; 28 in 36,Suppl,1; 30 in 38,Suppl.1; 31 in 39,Suppl.; 32 in 40,Suppl.; 33 in 41,Suppl.1; 34 in 42,Suppl. 1; 35 in 43,Suppl.1; 38 in 46,Suppl.2 von: Diabetologia (ISSN: 0012-186X)
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Diabetes : Jahreskongress der EASD, European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Neuhausen a/Rhf. : Rosenfluh-Publ. 2009 -
Diabetes : Jahreskongress der EASD, European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Neuhausen a/Rhf. : Rosenfluh-Publ.
Further related titles
Zugl. einzelne Bd. von: Ars medici (ISSN: 0004-2897)
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