EAU EBU update series / European Association of Urology, European Board of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier 2006-2007
EAU EBU update series / European Association of Urology, European Board of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 1871-2592
ISSN: 1878-0520
OCLC number: 1083832672
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EAU update Series / European Association of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science 2003-2005
EAU update Series / European Association of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 1570-9124
ISSN: 1873-2038
OCLC number: 1368141984
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European urology
Oxford : Elsevier
Basel ; München : Karger [anfangs]
Basel ; Freiburg [u.a.] : Karger [-2001]
Abbreviated title: Eur Urol
Ungezählte Beil.: Curriculum in urology
Further related titles
18,Suppl.1=9; 30,Suppl.2=12; 33,Suppl.1=13 von: European Association of Urology: Abstracts
27,Suppl.1=23 von: International Society of Urology: Proceedings of a symposium held at the ... world congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie
32,Suppl.1=1996 von: European Association of Urology: European Association of Urology (EAU) meeting
32,Suppl.1=1996 von: International Continence Society: International Continence Society (ICS) meeting
34,Suppl.1=4 von: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Urologie: Proceedings of the ... international congress of the Dutch Urological Association
35,Suppl.2=14; 37,Suppl.2=15; 39,Suppl.5=16 von: European Association of Urology: Abstract book
39,Suppl.2,1=2001 von: Associazione Urologi Italiani: Selected papers from the congresses of the Associazione Urologi Italiani
Einzelne Suppl.-Bd. zugl. Bd. von: Heinrich-Warner-Stiftung: ... Symposium
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0302-2838
OCLC number: 231021035
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
German subject headings: Urologie ; Zeitschrift
Urogenitalkrankheit ; Zeitschrift
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European urology : official journal of the European Association of Urology. Supplements
Kidlington [u.a.] : Elsevier Science 2002 -
European urology : official journal of the European Association of Urology
Kidlington [u.a.] : Elsevier Science
8.2009, 9.2010,2u.5-6, 10.2011,3u.7-9, 11.2012,1, 15.2016,2-3u.5-8 nur als Online-Ausg. ersch.; 10.2011,10-12 nicht ersch.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1569-9056
OCLC number: 1368090017
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Abstracts / EAU, European Association of Urology : ... congress
Basel ; Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] : Karger 1990-1998
Abstracts / EAU, European Association of Urology : ... congress
Basel ; Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] : Karger
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 9.1990 - 13.1998
Nebent. 13.1998: Abstract book
Zusatz wechselt
Further related titles
9=18,Suppl.1; 12=30,Suppl.2; 13=33,Suppl.1 von: European urology (ISSN: 0302-2838)
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Abstract book : ... congress of the EAU
Basel ; Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] : Karger 1999 -
Abstract book : ... congress of the EAU
Basel ; Freiburg, Br. [u.a.] : Karger
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European Association of Urology (EAU) meeting
Basel ; Freiburg [u.a.] : Karger 1996 -
European Association of Urology (EAU) meeting
Basel ; Freiburg [u.a.] : Karger
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Annual EAU congress : abstracts / European Association of Urology
Annual EAU congress : abstracts / European Association of Urology
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EAU EBU update series / European Association of Urology, European Board of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier 2006-2007
EAU EBU update series / European Association of Urology, European Board of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1871-2592
OCLC number: 884077775
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EAU update Series / European Association of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science 2003-2005
EAU update Series / European Association of Urology
Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1570-9124
OCLC number: 237813555
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European urology today : official newsletter of the European Association of Urology
European urology today : official newsletter of the European Association of Urology
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Urogenital infections and inflammations / issued by: European Association of Urology
Düsseldorf : German Medical Science GMS gGmbH 2016 -
Urogenital infections and inflammations / issued by: European Association of Urology
Düsseldorf : German Medical Science GMS gGmbH
Abweichender Titel: Urogenital infections
Abweichender Titel: Living handbook of urogenital infections
Gesehen am 13. November 2017
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