Nature : international weekly journal of science
London [u.a.] : Nature Publ. Group 1869 -
National licence
Nature : international weekly journal of science
London [u.a.] : Nature Publ. Group
London : Macmillan [anfangs]
Publication history
1.1869/70 - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung
Abbreviated title: Nature
Abbreviated title: Nature(London)
Abbreviated title: Nature,London,GB
Periodizität: wöchentl.
Gesehen am 19.02.2019
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1476-4687
OCLC number: 1183392911
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 500 Natural Sciences
Other classifications:
Systematik der TUB München (stub): NAT 001z
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 700 ; 720
German subject headings: Naturwissenschaften ; Zeitschrift ; Online-Ressource
Naturwissenschaften ; Zeitschrift
Special subject collections:
Type of publication
Magazine ; specialised newspaper
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Nature : a weekly journal of science. New biology
London : Macmillan 1971-1973
Nature : a weekly journal of science
Publication history
229.1971 - 246.1973 = Nr. 1-155
Abbreviated title: Nature (London), New Biol.
Abbreviated title: NAT NEW BIOL
Zählung von d. Hauptztg. übernommen; Periodizität: wöchentl.
Gesehen am 25.10.18
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 0090-0028
ISSN: 2058-1092
OCLC number: 1184360831
Type of publication
Magazine ; specialised newspaper
Preservation and archiving
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Nature : a weekly journal of science. Physical science
London : Macmillan 1971-1973
Nature : a weekly journal of science
Publication history
229.1971 - 246.1973 = Nr. 1-155
Abbreviated title: Nature (London), Phys. Sci.
Abbreviated title: Nature (Phys. Sci.)
Zählung d. Hauptztg. übernommen; Periodizität: wöchentl.
Gesehen am 25.10.18
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 0300-8746
ISSN: 2058-1106
OCLC number: 1184249268
Type of publication
Magazine ; specialised newspaper
Preservation and archiving
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Philosophical magazine. Letters
London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis 1987 -
National licence
London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis
Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe
Gesehen am 04.07.23
Standard numbers
Linking ISSN: 0950-0839
ISSN: 1362-3036
OCLC number: 1368099428
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Vine / Library Information Technology Centre
London : South Bank Univ. 1971-2015
National licence
Vine / Library Information Technology Centre
London : South Bank Univ.
Publication history
Volume 1, issue 1 (1971)-volume 45, issue 4 (2015)
Abbreviated title: VINE (GB)
Gesehen am 25.07.2019
Other editions
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Vine (ISSN: 0305-5728)
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1474-1032
OCLC number: 1368148790
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The economist
London ; New York, NY : Economist 1843 -
London ; New York, NY : Economist
Mikrofilm-Ausg.: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Microfilms Internat. - Mikrofilm-Ausg.: Berlin : SAPMO-BArch
Publication history
1.1843,1(2.Sept) - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung
Abbreviated title: Economist (London)
2.1844 nicht ersch.; Nr. 7792.1993 u. 7845.1994 in d. Zählung übergangen; Volume 452, number 9408 (August 3rd-9th 2024) nur online erschienen; mit weiteren zahlr. ungezählten Beil. ersch.; Periodizität: wöchentl.
Hrsg. 1922 - 1938: Sir Walter Layton
Ersch. in 4 inhaltl. unterschiedl. Ausg.: UK, North America, Europe, Asia; ungezählte Beil.: Banking supplement; Budget supplement; Insurance supplement; bis 2006: Special surveys; ab 2007: Special report; Nr. 7940.1995 - 8124.1999: Review of books and multimedia; ab Nr. 8128.1999: Review of books
Ungezählte Beilage 2015 - 2022: The world if; ungezählte Beilage ab 2021: Christmas specials; ungezählte Beilage ab 2022: Summer reading; Summer stories
Früher mit Titelzusatz
Einzelne Bände zugleich Bände von: The world ahead ...
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0013-0613
OCLC number: 1367272862
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 330 Economics ; 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 650
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): QA 10000
German subject headings: Wirtschaft ; Zeitschrift
Politik ; Zeitschrift
Wirtschaftspolitik ; Zeitschrift
Special subject collections:
26 ; 3,2
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Macmillan's magazine
London [u.a.] : Macmillan 1859-1906
National licence
London [u.a.] : Macmillan
Publication history
1.1859/60(1860) - 92.1905 = Nr. 1-522; N.S. 1.1905/06(1906) - 2.1906/07(1907); damit Ersch. eingest.
Periodizität: monatl.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 1751-9047
OCLC number: 960788317
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The times digital archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1785 -
National licence
The times digital archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Digital. Ausg.: London : Gale Cengage, 2003-
Abweichender Titel: TDA
Abweichender Titel: TTDA
Abweichender Titel: TDA II
Periodizität: tägl.
Gesehen am 19.11.2021
Die Nationallizenz umfasst den Zeitraum von 1785-1985
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 070 News media, journalism & publishing
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 620
German subject headings: Times Newspapers Ltd. (London)
Special subject collections:
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Komplementäre und integrative Medizin : KIM ; Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren ; Organ des ärztlichen Fachverbandes ZAEN / Hrsg.: Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin e.V.
Amsterdam ; Boston, Mass. ; Jena ; London ; New York, NY ; Oxford ; Paris ; Philadelphia, Pa. ; San Diego, Calif. ; St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier, Urban and Fischer 2008-2009
Komplementäre und integrative Medizin : KIM ; Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren ; Organ des ärztlichen Fachverbandes ZAEN / Hrsg.: Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin e.V.
Amsterdam ; Boston, Mass. ; Jena ; London ; New York, NY ; Oxford ; Paris ; Philadelphia, Pa. ; San Diego, Calif. ; St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier, Urban and Fischer
Publication history
Nachgewiesen 49.2008 - 50.2009,4
Abbreviated title: Komplement. integr. Med.
Periodizität: monatl.
Gesehen am 22.09.2021
Standard numbers
Authorised ISSN: 2212-0297
ISSN: 2212-0297
OCLC number: 698817800
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The times literary supplement historical archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1902 -
National licence
The times literary supplement historical archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Digital. Ausg.: London : Gale Cengage, 2002-
Publication history
1.1902,17.Jan. - 77.1978,1.Dez. = Nr. 1-4000; Nr. 4001.1979,23.Nov. -
Nebent.: The times literary supplement
Nebent.: TLS
Nebent.: TLS HA
Gesehen am 19.11.2021
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 230
German subject headings: Literatur ; Rezension ; Online-Publikation
Special subject collections:
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The contemporary review
London [u.a.] : Strahan 1866-2012
National licence
Publication history
1. 1866 - 294.2012 ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
Periodizität: monatl.
Volltext auch als Teil einer Datenbank verfügbar
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0010-7565
OCLC number: 1368118109
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The Anti-Jacobin : or weekly examiner
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1797-1798
National licence
The Anti-Jacobin : or weekly examiner
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Nr. 1.1797,20.Nov. - 36.1798,9.Juli; damit Ersch. eingest.
Standard numbers
ISSN: 2043-1201
OCLC number: 1039384896
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Financial times historical archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1888-2016
National licence
Financial times historical archive
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Digital. Ausg.: London : Gale Cengage, 2010-2016
Publication history
Jahrgang 1, Nummer 1 (9. Januar 1888)-Nummer 39358 (30. Dezember 2016)
Nebent.: Financial times
Periodizität: 6x wöchentl.
The Financial Times began as a City of London news sheet and grew to become one of the best-known and most-respected newspapers in the world. Along the way, the Financial Times - printed on its distinctive salmon-colored paper - has chronicled the critical financial and economic events that shaped the world, from the late nineteenth and entire twentieth centuries to today. This historical archive is a comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased research tool for those studying economic and business history and current affairs of the last 120 years. Initially focused on the global financial and economic issues that were to become the predominant forces of the twentieth century, the Financial Times expanded coverage in the postwar years, reporting on topics such as industry, energy, and international politics. In more recent decades, coverage of management, personal finance, and the arts has been added.An online, fully searchable facsimile, the Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete run of the London edition of this internationally known daily paper, from its first issue through 2010 (part 1) and through 2016 (part 2). Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included - shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day.
Gesehen am 19.11.2021
Die Nationallizenz umfasst den Zeitraum von 1888-2006
Type of publication
Database ; National newspapers
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The economist historical archive
London : Economist 1843 -
National licence
The economist historical archive
London : Economist
Digit. Ausg.: London : Gale Cengage, 2007-
Nebent.: The economist
Periodizität: wöchentl.
Gesehen am 11.1.2022
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 330 Economics ; 320 Political science
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 650
Special subject collections:
3,1 ; 26 ; 7,25
Type of publication
National newspapers ; Database
Preservation and archiving
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The British merchant or Commerce preserv'd : in answer to the Mercator or Commerce retriev'd
London : Baldwin 1713
National licence
The British merchant or Commerce preserv'd : in answer to the Mercator or Commerce retriev'd
Periodizität: unregelmäßig
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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Nature : the international journal of science
London : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature 1869 -
Nature : the international journal of science
London : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature
London : Macmillan [anfangs]
London : Nature Publ. Group [[?]-2016]
Mikrofilm-Ausg.: Leverkusen : Bayer, Kekulé-Bibliothek
Publication history
1.1869/70 - ; auch mit durchgehender Nr.-Zählung
Titelzusatz bis Volume 574, No. 7779 (24. October 2019) : the international weekly journal of science
Zusatz anfangs: a weekly illustrated journal of science
Zusatz bis 435.2005, Nr. 7039: international weekly journal of science
Abbreviated title: Nature
Abbreviated title: Nature (London)
Abbreviated title: Nature,London,GB
418.2002,[1]=Nr. 6893 teils fälschlich als Vol. 417 bez.; Periodizität: wöchentl.
27 cm
Ungezählte Beil.: The genome directory; The yeast genome directory; Suppl.; Produktschau für Deutschland; Science in Spain; Science in Latin America; Nature net guide; Nature jobs; Science & technology networks in Scandinavia; Nature outlook; Nature insight; Nature publishing index
Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson
has supplements
Supplement: Directory of biologicals (ISSN: 0266-6561)
Supplement: European product review
Supplement: UK product review (ISSN: 0968-6797)
Supplement: Labscene UK (ISSN: 0968-6797)
Supplement: Labscene Germany
Supplement: [Nature publishing index ... / Global]
Supplement: [Nature publishing index ... / Asia-Pacific]
Supplement: [Nature publishing index ... / China]
Supplement 2014 - 2015 Suppl.: [Nature index ... / Global]
Supplement: [Nature index ... / China]
Supplement Ab 2015 Suppl.: [Nature index ... / Asia-Pacific]
Supplement 2015-: Nature, Index ..., Collaborations
Supplement 2016-: Nature, Index ..., Japan
Supplement 2016-: Nature, Index ..., Saudi Arabia
Supplement 2016-: Nature, Index ..., Rising stars
Supplement 2016-: Nature, Index ..., Australia & New Zealand
Standard numbers
ISSN: 0028-0836
OCLC number: 612246579
Subject indexing
DDC subject groups: 500 Natural Sciences
Other classifications:
Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 700 ; 720
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (rvk): TA 1000 ; UA 1000 ; WA 15000
Systematik der TUB München (stub): NAT 001z
German subject headings: Naturwissenschaften ; Zeitschrift
Naturwissenschaften ; Zeitschrift
Special subject collections:
Type of publication
Magazine ; specialised newspaper
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The companion to the newspaper : and journal of facts in politics, statistics and public economy
London : Knight 1833-1837
National licence
The companion to the newspaper : and journal of facts in politics, statistics and public economy
Publication history
Nr. 1.1833,1.März - 49.1837,1.Jan.[?]
Peridizität: monatl.
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The weekly magazine : or, universal intelligencer
London : Roberts 1732
National licence
The weekly magazine : or, universal intelligencer
Periodizität: wöchentl.
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The social reformer
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] 1849
National licence
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Publication history
Periodizität: wöchentl.
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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The life assurance record
London : Salter 1847-1848
National licence
The life assurance record
Periodizität: monatl.
Funded by
German Research Foundation (DFG)
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