75=1; 76=2; 79=3; 81=4; 83=6 von: Comparative studies of cultures and civilizations
Einzelne Bd. zugl. Bd. von 79=1953 von "Proceedings of a Conference on the Interrelations of Language and other Aspects of Culture"
42=37,1,2; 43=37,2,2; 44=37,3,2; 45=37,4,2; 46=38,3,2; 47=39,3,2; 48=39,4,2; 53=42,2,2; 54=42,3,2; 55=42,4,2; 56=43,2,2; 57=43,3,2; 58=43,3,3; 59=43,4,2; 60=44,4,2; 72=52,4,2; 73=54,2,2; 74=55,2,2; 75=55,5,2; 76=56,2,2; 77=56,4,2; 78=56,5,2; 79=56,6,2; 80=57,1,2; 81=57,2,2; 82=57,2,3; 83=57,3,2; 84=57,6,3; 85=57,6,2; 86=60,1,2; 87=60,2,2; 88=60,6,2; 89=61,5,2; 90=63,5,2; 91=64,1,2; 92=64,3,2; 93=64,5,2; 96=65,3,2 von: American anthropologist (ISSN: 0002-7294)