45,3,Suppl.=40; 47,4,Suppl.=41; 51,3,Suppl.=43; 53,2,Suppl.=44; 55,2,Suppl.=45; 57,3,Suppl.=46; 59,3,Suppl.=47; 60,4,Suppl.=48; 61,3,Suppl.=48; 62,3,Suppl.=49; 65,3,Suppl.=50; 67,2,Suppl.=51; 69,3,Suppl.=52; 75,5,Suppl.=55; 79,6,Suppl.=57 von: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: Annual meeting
49,2,Suppl.=[1]; 51,5,Suppl.=2; 54,4,Suppl.=3; 57,5,Suppl.=4 von: Directory of international opportunities
49,3,Suppl.=1993 von: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: Joint meeting
Einzelne Bd. zugl. Bd. von: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: Constitution and by-laws, membership directory