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Nvmen : international review for the history of religions / ed. on behalf of the International Association for the History of Religions
International Association for the History of Religions
Leiden [u.a.] ; Köln : Brill
Leiden : Brill [anfangs]
1.1954 -
Repr.: Leiden : Brill
Einzelne H. als "Special issue" bez.
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Numen (ISSN: 1568-5276)
Supplement: Studies in the history of religions (ISSN: 0169-8834)
Supplement: International bibliography of the history of religions (ISSN: 0538-5105)
Supplement: Dissertationes ad historiam religionum pertinentes
ISSN: 0029-5973
OCLC number: 243416629
DDC subject groups: 230 Christianity & Christian theology ; 290 Other religions
Special subject collections: 0
Netherlands ; Germany, Federal Republic of and Germany since 1990-10-03
irregular, varia
Committed to retain; Date of action: 2020 ; Authorization: Deposition copy North Rhine-Westphalia ; Institution: Bonn ULB