94=1; 122=2; 155=3; 192=4; 225=5 von: Report on the world health situation (ISSN: 0085-5529)
30=1950; 38=1951; 45=1952; 51=1953; 59=1954; 67=1955; 75=1956; 82=1957; 90=1958; 98=1959; 105=1960; 114=1961; 123=1962; 131=1963; 139=1964; 147=1965; 157=1966; 164=1967; 172=1968; 180=1969; 188=1970; 197=1971; 205=1972; 213=1973; 221=1974; 229=1975 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: The work of WHO (ISSN: 0509-2558)
16=1948; 24=1949 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Annual report of the Director-general to the World Health Assembly and to the United Nations
89=1960; 97=1961; 104=1962; 113=1963; 121=1964; 130=1965; 138=1966; 146=1967; 154=1968; 163=1969; 171=1970; 179=1971; 187=1972 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Proposed regular programme and budget estimates (ISSN: 0510-8667)
23=1951; 31=1952; 74=1958; 196=1973; 204=1974; 212=1975; 220=1976/77; 236=1978/79; 250=1980/81 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Proposed programme budget
Einzelne Bd. zugl. Bd. von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Programme and budget estimates
13=1; 21=2; 28=3; 35=4; 42=5; 48=6; 55=7; 63=8; 71=9; 79=10; 87=11; 95=12; 102-103=13; 110=14,1; 111=14,2; 118-119=15; 127=16,1; 135-136=17; 143-144=18; 151-152=19; 160-161=20; 168-169=21; 176-177=22; 184-185=23; 193=20,1;210=26,2; 218=27,2; 226-227=28; 233-234=29; 240-241=30; 247-248=31 von: World Health Assembly: World Health Assembly (ISSN: 1014-6652)
14=1/2; 17=3; 22=4; 25=5,1; 26=5,2 u.a. von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Executive Board: Session
3=1 - 7=5 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Interim Commission: Minutes of the ... session of the Interim Commission
8=1947/48; 11=1948,Febr./Juni; 15=1948,Okt./Nov.; 19=1948/49 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Reports of expert committees and other advisory bodies to the Executive Board
20=1948; 27=1949; 34=1950; 41=1951; 54=1953; 62=1954; 70=1955; 78=1956; 85=1957; 93=1958; 101=1959; 109=1960; 117=1961; 126=1962; 134=1963; 142=1964; 150=1965; 159=1966; 167=1967; 175=1968; 183=1969; 191=1970; 200=1971; 208=1972; 214=1973; 222=1974; 230=1975; 237=1976 von: Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Financial report and report of the external auditor (ISSN: 0509-2469)
56=1; 64=2; 72=3 von: Proceedings and reports relating to international quarantine