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Economic developments in the Middle East / United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Vereinte Nationen. Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Vereinte Nationen. Department of Economic Affairs
Vereinte Nationen
New York, NY : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
1945/54(1955) - 1961/63(1964)[?]
Urh. anfangs: United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs
Repr.: Nendeln : Kraus
Predecessor: Summary of recent economic developments in the Middle East
Successor: Studies on selected development problems in various countries in the Middle East
Parallele Sprachausgabe Franz. Ausg.: L' evolution économique au Moyen Orient
Parallele Sprachausgabe Arab. Ausg.: at- taṭauwurāt al-iqtiṣādīya fī ʾš-šarq al-ausaṭ
Supplement to: World economic report
Supplement to: World economic survey (ISSN: 0084-1714)
1958/59=1959; 1959/61=1961; 1961/63=1963 von: [World economic survey / Supplement]
OCLC number: 183317228
DDC subject groups: 890 Other literatures ; 330 Economics ; 320 Political science
United States, USA