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Report on the world social situation / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Inclusive Social Development
Vereinte Nationen. Division for Inclusive Social Development
Vereinte Nationen. Division for Social Policy and Development
Vereinte Nationen. Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Vereinte Nationen. Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
Vereinte Nationen. Department of Economic and Social Development
Vereinte Nationen. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
Vereinte Nationen
New York, NY : United Nations
1957 -2018
United Nations publication
Ab 15.2001: Economic & social affairs
Später mit Zählung im Vorwort; ersch. anfangs vierjährl., ab 2001 zweijährl.
Ungezählte Beil.: Suppl.
Beteil. Körp. 9.1978 - 12.1989: Department of International Economic and Social Affairs; 13.1993: Department of Economic and Social Development; [14.]1997: Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis; 15.2001: Department of Economic and Social Affairs; teils: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development
Predecessor: Preliminary report on the world social situation
Fortgesetzt durch: World social report ...
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Report on the world social situation (ISSN: 2412-0871)
Parallele Sprachausgabe Franz. Ausg.: Rapport sur la situation sociale dans le monde (ISSN: 0251-6608)
ISSN: 0082-8068
OCLC number: 231040547
DDC subject groups: 310 Statistics ; 300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
United States, USA