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Papers of the Regional Science Association / publ. by the Regional Science Association in coop. with the Regional Science Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Regional Science Association
Philadelphia, Pa. : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
1.1954(1955) - 69.1989(1990)
Hauptsacht. bis 7.1961: Papers and proceedings
Hauptsacht. 8.1962 - 45.1980: Papers
Abbreviated title: Pap. Regional Sci.Assoc., Philadelphia/PA
Index: 1/50.1954/82(1984)
Successor: Papers in regional science
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Papers in regional science (ISSN: 1435-5957)
8=1; 10=2; 12=3; 14=4; 16=5; 18=6; 20=7; 22=8; 24=9; 26=10; 29=11; 31=12; 33=13; 34=14; 36=15; 38=16; 40=17; 42=18; 44=19; 47=20; 49=21; 52=22; 55=23; 58=24; 60=25; 61=26; 64=27; 66=28; 69=29 von: Regional Science Association: European congress
25=1969; 27=1970; 28=1971; 30=1972; 32=1973; 35=1974; 37=1975; 39=1976; 41=1977; 43=1978; 45=1979 von: Regional Science Association: Meeting
46=6; 51=7; 56=8; 63=9 von: Regional Science Association: Pacific Conference
48=27; 50=28; 53=29; 54=30; 57=31; 59=32; 62=33; 65=34; 67=35 von: Regional Science Association: North American meetings
ISSN: 0486-2902
OCLC number: 1067906649
DDC subject groups: 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems ; 910 Geography & travel
Other classifications: Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 710
Special subject collections: 14
United States, USA
mass deacidified; Volumes: 1.1954(1955)-7.1960(1961);9.1961-69.1989(1990) entsäuert;Index 1/50.1954/81(1984); Date of action: 2018 ; Institution: Kiel ZBW