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Peptides : proceedings of the ... European Peptide Symposium
European Peptide Symposium
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
[Wechselnde Erscheinungsorte] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
1.1959 - 2.1959[?]; 5.1962(1963) - 6.1963(1966); 8.1966(1967) - 20.1988(1989)
Nebent. 9.1968: Actes du Symposium Européen sur les Peptides
Forts. als Monographie behandelt
4.1961: European Peptide Symposium: Abstracts of papers presented at the ... European Peptide Symposium
7.1964: European Peptide Symposium: Proceedings of the ... European Peptide Symposium
Supplement zu 1.1959 special issue zu: Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications (ISSN: 0010-0765)
3.1960 in 14.1960,11 von: Chimia (ISSN: 0009-4293)
9=175 von: Centre national de la recherche scientifique: Colloques internationaux (ISSN: 0366-7634)
2=71 von: Angewandte Chemie (ISSN: 0044-8249)
OCLC number: 724443007
DDC subject groups: 570 Life sciences; biology ; 610 Medicine & health
Special subject collections: 12
Congress report