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American journal of agricultural economics / Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
American Agricultural Economics Association
Cary, NC : Oxford University Press
[Wechselnde Verlagsorte] [anfangs]
Ames, Iowa : Assoc. [-1999]
Malden, Mass. [u.a.] : Blackwell [früher]
50.1968 -
Abbreviated title: Am. J. Agric. Econ.
Abbreviated title: AJAE
Abbreviated title: Am J Ag Econ
Abbreviated title: Am J Agr Econ
Abbreviated title: Amer J Agr Econ
Abbreviated title: Amer J Agric Econ
Urh. bis 90.2008,3: American Agricultural Economics Association
Darin: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association
Predecessor: Journal of farm economics
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: American journal of agricultural economics (ISSN: 1467-8276)
In Beziehung stehendes Werk 69.1987,5 ersch. auch als 35.1987,4,2 von: Canadian journal of agricultural economics (ISSN: 0008-3976)
Supplement.: American Agricultural Economics Association: AAEA newsletter (ISSN: 0888-9651)
54,4,2=1972; 58,4,2=1976; 64,2,2=1982 von: American Agricultural Economics Association: Handbook directory
66,2,2=1984 von: American Agricultural Economics Association: Directory
70,5=1988; 71,5=1989; 72,5=1990; 73,5=1991; 74,5=1992; 75,5=1993; 76,5=1994; 77,5=1995; 78,5=1996; 79,5=1997; 80,5=1998; 81,5=1999 usw. von: American Agricultural Economics Association: AAEA annual meeting
ISSN: 0002-9092
OCLC number: 1367304594
DDC subject groups: 630 Agriculture ; 640 Home & family management
Other classifications: Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliographie (rpb): 760
United States, USA
mass deacidified; Volumes: 50.1968-51.1969; Date of action: 2017 ; Institution: Kiel ZBW