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The British journal of dermatology / publ. for the British Association of Dermatology
British Association of Dermatology
London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell
1.1969 - 70.2004
Abbreviated title: BR J DERMATOL SUPPL
Forts. als ungezählte Beil. bei d. Hauptzeitschr.
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: [British journal of dermatology / Supplement]
Suppl. zu: The British journal of dermatology (ISSN: 0007-0963)
9=53 von: British Association of Dermatology: Annual meeting
10=54; 11=55; 14=56; 15=57; 16=58; 17=59; 18=60; 19=61; 22=62; 24=63; 26=64; 29=65; 30=66; 32=67; 33=68; 34=69; 37=70; 38=71; 40=72; 44=[74]; 45=[75]; 47=[76]; 50=[77]; 51=78; 55=79; 57=80; 59=81; 62=82; 64=83; 68=84 von: British Association of Dermatologists: Annual meeting
20=1; 23=2 von: Centre international de recherches dermatologiques: CIRD symposium
25=3; 27=4; 28=5; 31=6 u.a. von: Advances in skin pharmacology
42=1993 von: British Association of Dermatologists: Joint annual meeting
Zugl. Bd. von: Proceedings of progress in the biological sciences in relation to dermatology
ISSN: 0366-077X
OCLC number: 1367301713
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
United Kingdom, Great Britain