[26],Suppl.=1929/30; 31,Suppl.=1933/34 von: Peabody Museum of Natural History: Report of the director of Peabody Museum
Einzelne Nr. zugl. Bd. von: Yale University. Library: Report of the University Librarian
Einzelne Nr. zugl. Bd. von: Yale University. School of Forestry: Catalogue of the School of Forestry
6,6=1910/11; 8,6=1912/13; 9,6=1913/14; 10,6=1914/15; 11,7=1915/16; 12,7=1916/17; 13,5=1917/18; 14,8=1918/19; 15,8=1919/20 von: Yale University. Graduate School: Courses of instruction
17,15=1921/22; 18,15=1922/23; 19,15=1923/24; 20,18=1924/25; 21,16=1925/26; 22,16=1926/27; 23,16=1927/28; 24,16=1928/29; 25,17=1929/30 von: Yale University. Graduate School: Catalogue of the Graduate School
26,17=1930/31; 28,17=1932/33; 29,17=1933/34; 30,17=1934/35; 31,17=1935/36; 49,2=1953/54 von: Yale University. Graduate School: The Graduate School
Einzelne Nr. zugl. Nr. von: Yale University. School of Forestry: The School of Forestry
2,10=1905/06; 3,11=1906/07; 4,10=1907/08; 5,10=1908/09; 6,11=1909/10; 7,1=1910/11; 8,11=1911/12; 9,11=1912/13; 11,12=1914/15 von: Yale University: Report of the treasurer of Yale University with the accounts of its several departments
1,5=1904/05; 2,8=1905/06; 3,9=1906/07; 4,8=1907/08; 5,8=1908/09; 6,9=1909/10; 7,9=1910/11; 8,9=1911/12; 9,9=1912/13; 10,8=1913/14; 11,9=1914/15 von: Yale University: Obituary record of graduates of Yale University
1,4=1904/05; 2,7=1905/06; 3,8=1906/07; 4,7=1907/08; 5,7=1908/09; 6,8=1909/10; 7,11=1910/11; 8,8=1911/12; 9,8=1912/13 von: Yale University: Report of the president
25,24=1929/30 von: Yale University. School of Medicine: Catalogue of the School of Medicine
7,3=1910/11; 8,3=1911/12; 9,3=1912/13; 10,4=1913/14 von: Yale University: Catalogue of Yale University
35,24=1939/40 von: Yale University: General catalogue number
32,14=1936/37 von: Yale University. Divinity School: The Divinity School