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Journal of anatomy and physiology / Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
London [u.a.] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar]
1.1867; 2.Ser. 1=2.1868 - 8=9.1873/74(1875); 10.1875/76(1876) - 20.1885/86(1886); N.S. 1=21.1886/87(1887) - 19=39.1904/05(1905); 3.Ser. 1=40.1905/06(1906) - 11=50.1915/16(1916)
Abbreviated title: J Anat Physiol
Repr.: New York, NY : Johnson
Successor: Journal of anatomy
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Journal of anatomy and physiology
Elektronische Reproduktion: Journal of anatomy and physiology
Supplement Darin 1887/88 - 1915: Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland: Proceedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
OCLC number: 183357878
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
United Kingdom, Great Britain
mass deacidified; Volumes: 1.1867; 2.Ser. 1=2.1868 - 8=9.1873/74; 10.1875/76 - 20.1885/86; N.S. 1=21.1886/87 - 19=39.1904/05; 3.Ser. 1=40.1905/06 - 11=50.1915/16 mit Indices; Date of action: 2018 ; Institution: Leipzig UB