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Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period
Leiden [u.a.] ; Köln : Brill
1.1970 -
Nebent.: Journal for the study of Judaism
Abbreviated title: JSJ
Abbreviated title: J St Ju
Abbreviated title: J St Jud
Abbreviated title: J Stud Jud
Index 13/15.1982/84 in: 15.1984; 16/18.1985/87 in: 18.1987,2; 19/21.1988/90 in: 21.1990,2; 22/24.1991/93 in: 24.1993,2; 25/27.1994/96 in: 27.1996,4
Erscheint 5x jährlich
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period (ISSN: 1570-0631)
ISSN: 0047-2212
Incorrect ISSN of the original: 0097-2812
OCLC number: 263599858
DDC subject groups: 930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499) ; 290 Other religions
Special subject collections: 1 ; 7,7 ; 6,12 ; 6,14 ; 0 ; FID-JUDAICA-DE-30
English ; German
irregular, varia
Committed to retain; Date of action: 2020 ; Authorization: Deposition copy North Rhine-Westphalia ; Institution: Bonn ULB