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Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC)
Washington, DC : Gov. Print. Off.
1.1866 -
Hauptsacht. 7.1895: Memoir
Repr.: Baltimore, Md: John Hopkins Press, 1903. - New York, NY : Wheldon & Wesley, 1969. - New York, NY : AMS Press, 1976-1984
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC): Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
Elektronische Reproduktion: National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC): Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
Supplement: Leander McCormick Observatory: Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory (ISSN: 0160-2519)
Index 1/22.1866/1927=13.1927,1 von : National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC): Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN: 0027-8424)
17=10; 21=11 von: National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC): Biographical memoirs (ISSN: 0077-2933)
ISSN: 0885-4637
OCLC number: 1367771455
DDC subject groups: 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
Special subject collections: 25
United States, USA