Supplement zu 6.1983 - 31.2008
[Teilweise mit dem entsprechenden Jahrgang der Hauptzeitschrift zusammengebunden; 7,1.1984 = Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia 20,1984.1984; 8,3.1985 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 2,1985.1985; 9,1.1986 = Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia 21,1986.1986; 10,3.1987 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 3,1987.1987; 10,4,1.1987 = List of contents and forthcoming articles 7-10,4.1984-1987; 11,2.1988 = Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia 22,1988.1988; 12,2.1989 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 4,1989.1989; 12,4.1989 = Workshop on opioid peptides in biological fluids biology and clinic 2,1989.1989; 13,1.1990 = Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia 23,1990.1990; 14,1.1991 = Treatment of pituitary adenomas 5,1991.1991; 14,3.1991 = International conference on new actions of parathyroid hormone 2,1991.1991. - 14,4.1991 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 5,1991.1991; 16,6/2.1993 = Annual meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Abstracts 21,1993.1993; 16,8.1993 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 6,1993.1993; 17,6.1994 = Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association 22,1994.1994]