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Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Ecological Society of America
New Brunswick, NJ : Ecological Society of America
1.1917 - 83.2002
Abbreviated title: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am.
1919,Dez. - 1922,Sept. nicht ersch.
Online-Ausg. u. Forts.: Ecological Society of America: Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Supplement: Ecological Society of America: Directory
Bd. zugl. 1931 von: Ecological Society of America: Membership list of the Ecological Society of America
Bd. zugl. 1934 von: Ecological Society of America: List of members
Suppl. zu 75=1994; Suppl. zu 76=1995 von: Directory and register of certified ecologists
74,Suppl.=1993/94; 77,Suppl.=1995/96 von: Ecological Society of America: ESA handbook
68,3=72; 69,2=73; 70,Suppl.=74; 71,Suppl.=75; 72,Suppl.=76; 73,Suppl.=77 von: Ecological Society of America: Program and abstracts
79,Suppl.=1997; 81,Suppl.=1999; 82,Suppl.=2000; 83,Suppl.=2001 von: Ecological Society of America: Annual report
ISSN: 0012-9623
OCLC number: 635683515
DDC subject groups: 333.7 Conservation, natural ressources and energy
Special subject collections: FID-BIODIV-DE-30
United States, USA