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Journal of sport & social issues : the official journal of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society, Northeastern University
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage
Las Vegas, Nev. : Univ. of Nevada [-1993]
1.1977 -
Hauptsacht. anfangs: Journal of sport and social issues
Abbreviated title: J Sport Soc Iss
Beteil. Körp. früher: ARENA, the Institute for Sport and Social Analysis
Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe: Journal of sport and social issues (ISSN: 1552-7638)
Supplement: Arena, The Institute for Sport and Social Analysis (Norfolk, Va.): Arena review (ISSN: 0735-1267)
ISSN: 0193-7235
OCLC number: 643104076
DDC subject groups: 793 Indoor games & amusements ; 796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games ; 300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
Special subject collections: 31
United States, USA