6=22,2,b von: International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea: Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions (ISSN: 0373-434X)
8=5 von: International Rift Symposium: Proceedings of an International Rift Symposium
14=1; 16=2 von: International Symposium on the Afar Region and Related Rift Problems <1974, Bad Bergzabern>: Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Afar Region and Related Rift Problems
15=9; 27=12; 51=15; 63=17 von: Developments in geotectonics (ISSN: 0419-0254)
15=29; 20=32,1/2; 21=33,3/4; 22=35,1/3; 23=41,1/3; 24=37,1/3; 25=38,1/2; 26=45,1; 27,1.Ex.=36,1/3; 29=40,1/2; 31=47,3/4; 32=45,4; 33=42,1; 34=43,1/2; 41=55,1/2; 42=56,1/2; 47=62,1/2; 51=59; 57=63; 60=80,14; 63=73,1/3; 66=85,1/2; 70=81,3/4 von: Tectonophysics (ISSN: 0040-1951)
15=5 von: International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements: Proceedings of the Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements
15=1974 von: Recent crustal movements
28=3 von: World Data Centre for Solid Earth Geophysics: Report (ISSN: 0271-4965)
36=26,1/1 von: Marine geology (ISSN: 0025-3227)
39=36 von: NATO: [NATO advanced study institutes series / C] (ISSN: 0377-2071)
46=337 von: Norges geologiske undersøkelse: Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse (ISSN: 0801-6755)
46=45 von: Norges geologiske undersøkelse: Bulletin (ISSN: 0332-5768)
48=2 von: Maurice Ewing (ISSN: 0197-6346)
59=47 von: Journal of geophysics (ISSN: 0340-062X)
"Individual volumes are also part of 69=73 von "Symposium Alpine Geotraverses"