Nebent.: Statutes of Canada
Hauptsacht. bis Parl. 21, Sess. 4.1951: Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada
Nebent. Parl. 28.1986/69 - 33., Sess.1/2.1986: Statuts du Canada
Nebent. ab Parl. 33, Sess.2.1987: Lois du Canada
Inhaltl. Gliederung in P. 1: Public general statutes; P. 2: Local and private acts; darin Parl.13,Sess. 4.1919/20 - 27,Sess. 2.1967/68: Prefix to statutes
Enth. ab 1964/65 jährl. kumulierend: Tables of public statutes 1907/65
Ab 1968/69 Text engl. u. franz.
Parallelsacht. ab Parl. 28, Sess. 1.1968/69
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