2,1=Congr.57,Sess.1,Vol.9; 2,2=57,1,10; 3,1=57,2,13; 3,2=57,2,14; 4,1=58,2,6; 4,2=58,2,7; 4,3=58,2,8; 5,1=58,3,12; 5,2=58,3,13; 5,3=58,3,14; 7,1=59,2,10; 7,2=59,2,9; 7,3=59,2,10; 8,1=60,1,8; 8,2=60,1,9; 8,3=60,1,10; 9,1=60,2,16; 9,2=60,2,17; 10=61,2,19 von: USA. Congress. House of Representatives: House documents
2,1=1901,[1,8]; 2,2=1901,[1,9]; 3=1902,10; 4=1903,Vol.5-7; 5=1904,11-13; 7=1906,7-9; 8=1907,7-9; 9=1908,7-8; 10=1909,Vol.7 von: USA. War Department: Annual reports of the War Department (ISSN: 1050-1274)
Einzelne Bd. zugl. Bd. von 10.1909=Vol.19,5722,61.congr.,sess.2,Nr.103 von "Document / House of Representatives"
1900,June-Nov.=Congr.56,Sess.2,Nr.112 von: USA. Congress. Senate: Senate documents