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Geophysical monograph / American Geophysical Union, National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC)
Washington, DC : American Geophysical Union
1.1956 -
Nebent.: Geophysical monograph series
Abbreviated title: GEOPHYS MONOGR
Abbreviated title: Geophys Monogr, Am Geophys Union
7=10 von: Pacific Science Congress: Papers presented at the ... Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association
1=462; 2=590; 3=652; 4=708; 5=746; 6=1035; 7=1036; 8=1288; 9=1357; 10=1467; 11=1488; 12=1687; 13=1708 von: National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC): Publication (ISSN: 0547-8464)
15=3 von: The use of artificial satellites for geodesy
31=1 von: [Geophysical monograph / Mineral physics]
12=15; 13=21 von: International Council of Scientific Unions. Upper Mantle Project: Scientific report
40-41=6 von: Gondwana Symposium: Papers presented at the ... Gondwana Symposium
44=1 von: Huntsville Workshop on Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Plasma Models: Huntsville Workshop on Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Plasma Models
46=1; 47=2; 69=11 von: Internationale Union für Geodäsie und Geophysik: IUGG
29=5; 37=6 von: Maurice Ewing (ISSN: 0197-6346)
ISSN: 0065-8448
OCLC number: 263606468
DDC subject groups: 550 Earth sciences & geology
Special subject collections: 21
United States, USA