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Journal of leukocyte biology : an official publication of the Society for Leukoycyte Biology
Society for Leukocyte Biology
Bethesda, Md. : Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley-Liss [anfangs]
1.1990 - 3.1992; 1993 - 2008[?]
Später ohne Bd.-Zählung
1=27; 2=28; 3=29; 1994=30; 1995=31; 1997=32; 1998=33; 2000=34 von: Society for Leukocyte Biology: Program, abstracts, member directory
1996=14 von: Society for Leukocyte Biology. European Macrophage Study Group: Program and abstracts
1=12 von: Reticuloendothelial Society: Program and abstracts of the ... international RES congress
1=20; 2=21 von: International Leucocyte Culture Conference: Proceedings of the International Leukozyte Culture Conference
2004=37; 2005=38; 2007=40; 2008=41 von: Society for Leukocyte Biology: The ... annual meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology
2006=2006 von: Society for Leukocyte Biology: Joint meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology and the International and Innate Immunity Society
OCLC number: 263608017
DDC subject groups: 610 Medicine & health
United States, USA