Haupttitel bis 16.08.2018: China from empire to republic
China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals is a collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China during a period of over 130 years, extending from 1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This corresponds to the periods of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republican Era (1911–1949), when China experienced the radical and often traumatic transformation from an inward-looking imperial dynasty into a globally engaged republic. This resource features a significant collection of articles and photos on the founding and development of Christian higher education in China, including the establishment and growth into prominence of such institutions as Yenching University, the University of Nanking, Ginling College, Shandong Christian University, Soochow University, St. John’s University, Shanghai Baptist College, and the Canton Christian College. The resource contains the following English-language periodicals published in and about China between 1817 and 1949: Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking, The Canton Miscellany, The China Critic, The China Mission Year Book, The China Quarterly, The China Review, or Notes and Queries on the Far East, The China Year Book, The Chinese And Japanese Repository, Chinese Miscellany, The Chinese Recorder, Educational Review, The Indo - Chinese Gleaner, New China Review, Notes And Queries : On China And Japan, T'ien Hsia Monthly, West China Missionary News, Yenching Journal of Social Studies.
Gesehen am 30.08.2018
Coverage 1817-1949