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The scientific archive 1919-1948 / The Israel Antiquities Authority
Yiśraʾel. Rashut ha-ʿAttiḳot
Jerusalem : Israel Antiquities Authority
2013 -
Abweichender Titel: The IAA scientific archives
The archive of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is located in Jerusalem. It essentially continues the archive from the British Mandate era. Following the conquest of Palestine by British forces, headed by General Allenby in 1918, the documentation and data collecting of ancient and archaeological sites had begun. Once a civil government was established by the British Mandatory Authorities in 1920, the Department of Antiquities was created and the archive had become an integral part of it. - The IAA archive consists of several sections: Mandatory : Scientific Record Files Collection (SRF), and Administrative Files, (ATQ). Israel: scientific and administrative inspection files, excavation files and storage of files of the different IAA units. Maps; plans and drawings; conservation files; books and cards of finds and squeezes
Gesehen am 11.03.2019
OCLC number: 1366396521 [Publisher] free of charge
DDC subject groups: 890 Other literatures ; 930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
Special subject collections: 0 ; 1
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